❌ #23| Place of Worship

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Summary: Jay may be secular, but he definitely has a place of worship. [5,525 words]

CW: brief toe sucking, mention of watersports (does not actually happen)


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the Broken!Verse masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 28 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:



"You can't blame me for wanting to take my time and admire, baby; you are one finely crafted piece of art." He picked up Tim's left leg, pushing so it bent at the knee, and running his lips against the skin of his calf, tracing his tongue over an old scar almost halfway down. He shifted back on the bed toward Tim's feet and pulled his leg out a bit straighter, leaning back down and starting to kiss back up it. Tim, perhaps unconsciously, flexed his calf muscle in response, and Jason dragged his teeth over the swell of it, making Tim close his eyes with a small shiver.


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