1 - A Million Dreams

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Keith grabbed a loaf of bread from the stall as subtly as he could. This was an ordinary routine of his. Steal and then blend into the crowd. He was always subtle. However, today was not subtle enough. He heard a shout from the store owner. He took off into a sprint down a side alley as he tried to get away.

Not hearing any footsteps behind him, he believed that he hadn't been tracked. Continuing the run, he felt a small leap of triumph in his chest. That triumph was immediately distinguished as he turned a corner and ran straight into the store owner.

A quick tug-of-war proved that he had lost as the loaf was yanked from his grasp. He slumped down against the store wall as the shop keeper stomped away, swearing about the 'little street bastards'. Keith felt anger well up inside of him. He didn't have much of a choice. Steal or starve.

As he resolved to try to steal something else, he smelt something sweet. Looking up, he saw an old lady with a scarf wrapped around her shoulder. She was evidently homeless. However she held out a clean apple for Keith to take.

He felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards as he took the apple.

"Thank you," his voice was slightly raspy from lack of use. The old lady smiled warmly and hobbled away. Keith watched after her before pocketing the apple and heading out of the alleyway.

He ran through the streets towards the scrappy place of town. His older brother, Takashi would want the apple. Although he'd never ask for it, Keith knew Shiro needed the apple. He would constantly give Keith his own food - despite Keith's protests. Shiro would lie and say he was full. This time, Keith was gonna do the lying.

"Takashi!" He called out as he got to their alley. The alley was lodged between a clothing shop and a restaurant. It was one of the best spot as they could rummage for thrown out food from the restaurants.

Shiro was rummaging when Keith came around the corner.

"How's Red doing?" Shiro greeted Keith. Although it wasn't his name, Shiro liked to call Keith 'Red'. The colour suited his personality. He was fiery and determined.

"Awesome," Keith said. "I gotchu an apple."

"Hey," Shiro said, a tone of caring and love overtook his voice for a split second. The hard leader voice came back as he continued. "I've had enough-"

"So have I," Keith lied. He hadn't eaten anything that day, but he was fine. He'd live. "I managed to get an entire baguette!"

"A baguette?" Shiro said, unbelieving. "An entire baguette?"

Keith nodded.

"And you didn't bring any back?" Shiro said in a mock-sterm voice. "You selfish asshole," Shirk boxed Keith's ears playfully.

"That's why I brought you this apple," Keith said.

"Jesus," Shiro grinned, taking the clean apple. "Haven't had fruit for a while, have we?"

"You deserve it," Keith said, watching as Shiro bit into the apple. His stomach was telling him he shouldn't have done that, but his mind was satisfied. He'd just rob something or sell used newspapers for something. Shiro needed it more than him.


Keith sat on the stairs of an old building, watching the passing crowd. He had a bucket in front of him. It was half-filled with old newspapers. He sat, bored, as old, rich gentlemen dropped their newspapers into the bucket as they walked past. Very soon it was filled. Keith picked the newspapers and began to shout advertisements.

"Get your newspapers!" He shouted. "Stories from all around the world!"

Soon, he'd sold them all. Taking the change and the bucket back to the alley, he met Shiro.

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