3 - The Other Side

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After many days of practice, many struggles, a long time composing songs and making up dances, making a safe trapeze, sleepless nights and a bunch of effort, the team had sold enough tickets for a relatively large crowd.

They all got ready backstage, often taking looks through the curtain. Today wouldn't be a full dance or song. It was just a chant, a march and Pidge riding her horse.

However, as the others went out onto the stage, she dropped back, chewing her nails nervously.

"Pidge," Adam approached her quickly. "What're you waiting for?"

"They'll laugh..." she said, distantly.

"No they won't," Adam said, taking the woman's hand and squeezing it. "They're waiting for you. Trust me when I say, they'll love you."

The woman gathered enough courage to ride out onto the stage, shooting her gun into the air. The crowd clapped and cheered as the group danced and Pidge rode around the group, grinning.


The shows got better as the money came in. They improved the building and equipment, making coloured costumes and managing to buy wild animals like tigers, lions and elephants.

Shiro loved his show. Dearly. But  somebody came to mind. It bugged him day and night. Here he was, earning money, living in a warm mansion - the very mansion he and Adam had met in all those years back - and he hadn't talked to Keith.

His best mate, Keith. His brother, Keith.

A few weeks after this, he read an article in the newspaper about a man called Keith Kogane. He had been interviewed about some job that he had - and the pay he recieved. Shiro not only recognised the raven-haired boy, but realized something.

If he had a famous, very good-looking man - another showman like himself - along side him, it would attract even more attention. They'd maybe even earn enough money to go on the world tour Shiro had dreamt of since he was a child.

He decided he'd pay his brother the visit he'd promised those many years ago.


It wasn't hard to find where Keith's most recent party was gonna be and Shiro stood outside the building, watching as many of the guests left. He caught sight of raven-black hair and located Keith talking to a pale, brown-haired man.

Shiro made his way over to Keith, calling his name. Purple-blue eyes met grey. Keith's eyes widened in many mixed emotions.

"Takashi...?" He said.

The brown-haired man smirked as he watched Shiro approach. The comparison between the two was huge - Shiro wore a scruffy brown coat where Keith was clothed in a black suit.

"Keith," Shiro said again. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"It's the showfreak," the brown-haired man drawled. "Why is he so interested in you, Keithy-boy?"

Keith's nose wrinkled in disgust and he held up his hand. "Quiet, Griffin," he said. He turned back to Shiro and nodded half-heartedly.

It was about 2am at this point in the night, so many drunk party-attendees were stumbling home to their beds. Shiro picked an empty bar and entered. The bartender took their orders of some shots and they sat down at the bar.

After catching up, Shiro floated his question out.

"So," he said. "I've got a show... I'd love you to be a part of it."

"No, Shiro," Keith said quickly and sternly. "I'm not going to be part of some circus play."

Shiro pursed his lips and nodded. They took another shot, banging the two shot-glasses onto the table in a beat.

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