6 - The Queen

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A reporter named Zarkon had heard of the little attraction down by the docks. He knew immediately that the story would be sold much faster when he went up against it. He devoted his free time to making life hard for the 'Shirogane Show'. Calling it a circus, freak show and as many words as he could, his articles were bought every time. He tracked their progress and eventually came up with a perfect story. The Shirogane Show would be out of business in no time.


"So, guys," Shiro sat on one of the bench stands. "We are... officially... going out of business..."

"What?!" Pidge and Veronica shouted while the others looked concerned.

"Why?" Lance's voice was steady, but his face portrayed his own worry.

"Take a look," Shiro held out the newspaper. Axca grabbed it and Allura stood behind her as she read.

"The Shirogane Show a threat to society?" Read the headline. "The Shirogane Show - a popular attraction - is proving to be revealing of inappropriate beings. Scarring children and revealing freak-ish humans, the Shirogane Show is-"

"Okay, stop," Lance held his hand up. "We get it - we're different."

"So, who cares about that dumb reporter?" Veronica asked. "He's just being unreasonable."

"Yeah," Axca added. "Why do you care what Zarkon thinks?"

"He's a prick," Allura added.

"Haven't you noticed, though?" Shiro asked. "We're getting less and less of a crowd."

"We just need to mix up our songs and dances," Pidge suggested. "Maybe they're just getting bored of the show...?"

"No, it's not that," Shiro insisted. "Listen-"

"Shiro," Lance interrupted. "We've been told this our whole lives. We're different. This is just one of those haters trying to get at us again. We'll be fine."

Shiro wasn't convinced. "But, he's a very popular reporter. He has a lot of influence over the people. If we could-"

"-come up with a new or more interesting show?" Keith had entered the room unnoticed and had been listening to the entire conversation. "I may have a get out of jail card."

"Do share?" Shiro said as the entire group turned to him, excitement and hope written on their faces.

"The queen of England has invited us for a very special meeting," Keith said. The group made astonished noises.

"The queen?" Pidge asked.

"The queen of England?" Coran repeated.

"Queen Victoria?" Veronica said.

Keith nodded, signature smirk on his face. Lance, however was sceptical.

"Are we all invited?" he said, coolly.

Keith checked the letter. "Uh... she says me and Shiro..." There was a silence before Keith continued. "But, I'll just have to tell her that it's either all of us going or none of us going."

As the group cheered, Lance looked across at Keith. There was a slight upturn of his mouth and Lance nodded in respect. Keith smiled back.


Lance liked the ocean. He loved the open, the salty wind, the blue, the water, the spray... Everything. He loved how he could stand on deck and feel like one of the seagulls that fly over the ocean. Lance stood there now, leaning against the rails and breathing in the salty breeze.

Shiro spotted him up there and approached, leaning against the bars next to him. They stood in comfortable silence for a while.

"Thank you," Lance said after a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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