2 - Looking for Freaks

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While Shiro had headed off to a job, Keith had been left to fend for himself. During this time, he had been snatched off the streets by an orphanage and forced to stay inside. It was here he learned to read and write. He cleaned himself up and - although he never smiled - he was eventually adopted.

His parents weren't kind to him and simply kept him for a good reputation. So, he spent the last five years of youth with extremely rich parents.

His father grew sick with typhoid and eventually died, causing the fortune to be handed on to Keith's shoulders. He had many rich friends and had to join parties with them - his job insisted of that factor.

After a while, he began to hear of a 'Shirogane Show'. It almost certainly couldn't have been Shiro. His best friend having achieved his dream?

He decided against going down to see the show - just in case Shiro got the wrong idea and decided Keith wanted to be a part of it. He almost certainly didn't.


Shiro needed a starting point. He knew who he was looking for. He'd spotted her outside the doctor's. She was short - about the size of a young child - but was a fully developed adult. Shiro guessed her to be in his twenties. After gathering information from the doctor, he knew where to find her.

Shiro stood on the porch of a small cottage in a wood. He rocked on his heels nervously before knocking on the door. An old woman answered it.

"You must be Colleen Holt," he removed his top hat and bowed slightly. "My name is Takashi Shirogane. I'm looking for your daughter."

"I don't have a daughter," the woman replied coldly.

"The hospital record says you do," Shiro smiled, holding up a piece of paper. "Katie, right? Age 22?"

The woman's shoulders sagged and she nodded, reluctantly.

"I want to offer her a job."

The woman let him into the house. As she called her daughter, Shiro noticed a small figurine of a soldier in a red suit.

"Katie," the woman called. Then more insistent, "Katie!"

A door clicked near Shiro and out stepped a short woman. Shiro stepped forward and offered out his hand. She took it and shook it.

"I'm putting together a show," Shiro smiled, warmly. "I want you to be the main role."

"No," Katie said. "You want people to laugh at me."

"Well, they already laugh," Shiro joked. "Might as well get paid."

Shiro immediately knew that that had been a mistake as Katie turned and slammed her bedroom door shut behind her.

Shiro sighed and took a step towards Katie's closed door. He kneeled down in front of it and began talking.

"I see a soldier - no - a general riding across a stage with a sword and a gun, wearing the most beautiful uniform ever made. People will come from all over the world and when they see her, they won't laugh..."

The door cracked open and Katie poked her head around, looking at Shiro curiously.

"They'll salute."

She smiled soflty. "Alright."


Shiro stayed up all night, drawing posters.

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