5 - Come Alive

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Shiro stood in front of the team. Today was the day. This was one of the biggest performances. They had got all of the practice rounds complete. However, even after all of these practices and successes, the team was still entirely nervous.

"You stumble through your days," Shiro began. "Got your head hung low - you sky's a shade of grey."

His gaze swooped over the group, grey eyes earnest and truthful.

"Like a zombie in a maze," Shiro continued. "You're asleep inside, but you can shake away."

He began to walk through the group, passing Allura her small, white top hat, giving Axca a reassuring nod and shoving a pillow up Hunk's shirt. It was like what Hunk said - the bigger, the better.

"Cuz, you're just a dead man walking - thinking that's your only option.
But you can flip the switch and brighten up your darkest day," Shiro smiled at Lance, fist-bumping Veronica and walking towards Coran to help him to his feet.

"Sun is up and the colour's blinding. Take the world and redefine it. Leave behind your narrow mind - You'll never be the same," Shiro turned to the whole group. "Come alive, come alive. Go and light your light - let it burn so bright."

Shiro reached up a hand to Pidge who had mounted her horse. He took her hand, squeezed it and smiled.

"Reaching up to the sky. And it's open wide, you're electrified-"

"When the world becomes a fantasy," Keith sung, beginning to start the group up.

"And you're more than you could ever be," Shiro continued.

"Cuz, you're dreaming with your eyes wide open," the two sang. 

Allura joined in, "And we know we can't go back again - to the world that we were livin' in - cuz we're dreaming with our eyes wide open. So come alive."

Most of the team were ready, their eyes shining. However, just before the curtains opened, Keith noticed Pidge looking a little upset and out of place.

"I see it in your eyes," Keith said. "You believe that lie - that you need to hide your face. Afraid to step outside so you lock the door, but don't you stay that way!"

The curtains opened and Axca began as the group started to dance.

"No more livin' in those shadows. You and me - we know how that goes-"

"Cuz once you see it, oh, you'll never, never be the same!" Hunk declared, shooting Pidge a happy look as she galloped across the stage, showing off her uniform and her gun.

"We'll be the light that's turning. Bottle up and keep on shining!" Axca and Allura sang as Veronica and Lance did tricks on the trapeze above.

"You can prove there's more to you. You cannot be afraid," Keith mouthed on the side-lines. It was Shiro's show. He had been offered a space to dance or sing, but had refused. In a circus, there's only one Showman - not two. So, Keith kept his part of the deal and did fifty-fifty of the work.

He trained and danced back-stage with the group, Shiro danced on stage in front of the crowds. Keith preferred that. It wasn't that he couldn't do crowds, he just wasn't sure he wanted to be known as one of the circus freaks.

That came out wrong - Keith corrected himself mentally. He had a dumb reputation and his pride sometimes got in the way of his logic.


Come alive, come alive
Go and ride your light
Let it burn so bright
Reaching up
To the sky
And it's open wide
You're electrified

The show had been a hit. They continued displaying themselves, dancing and singing and enjoying one another.

When the world becomes a fantasy
And you're more than you could ever be
'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open
And we know we can't be go back again
To the world that we were living in
'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open
So, come alive!

By now, the crowd had got some of the song memorized and could sing along, clapping along.

"Come one! Come all! Come in! Come on!" The crowd chanted.

"To anyone who's bursting with a dream," Lance sung, swinging on his trapeze around the room.

"Come one! Come all! You hear the call!" The crowd chanted along.

"To anyone who's searching for a way to break free!" Shiro sung.

"Break free!" Continued the group.

"Break free!" The crowd chanted.

"When the world becomes a fantasy and you're more than you could ever be. 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open! And we know we can't be go back again to the world that we were living in. 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open!"

The crowd began to clap above their heads in beat, all the while screaming and shouting their praise and love to the group.

"When the world becomes a fantasy and you're more than you could ever be. 'Cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open. And we know we can't be go back again to the world that we were living in. 'Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open!"

"Cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open!" The crowd chanted back.

"So come alive~"

The group carried out the notes as many sung riffs and scales before cutting off together.

The crowd went wild, cheering the group on louder than ever before. People stood, shouting and clapping, eyes sparkling.

Keith watched, a turn to the corner of his mouth. Then, he spotted two things. Number one, a news reporter with a very sour face. He was taking notes, not bothering to clap, and glaring at the floor. And number two, the jerk named Griffin.

He sat on one of the benches, not looking at anybody in the group - oh, no - he was glaring directly at Keith. The smile immediately vanished from his face and he flinched, stepping back into the shadows backstage.

However, it was too late - Griffin had spotter him, clocked him up and put pieces together in a flash. Keith knew in the pit of his stomach that very soon, he would be considered as another 'circus freak'.

Keith kept a straight face and partied with the group when they came back, but in his stomach, something felt incredibly wrong.

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