4 - The Show

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Warning: This chapter contains the use of the f-slur. Please be warned that it is used from one character to another in an offense to the gay community.

Just to clarify, I am part of the community and using the f-slur if you aren't part of the community isn't okay. Don't be homophobic, guys! Stay safe.

Keith was invited to be a VIP spectator of the next show. While the crowds whislted and shouted on the stands below, Keith stood with Shiro on a balcony above the show. It was high enough that the trapeze swingers would be eye-height when they swung past.

Keith stood, watching the show when a loud shout came from below. He watched as a little boy pointed excitedly up at something. Keith followed his gaze and saw a very tanned, blue-eyed trapeze swinger. He and his sister were doing trapezing, but Keith only clocked up the man.

He was beautiful - wearing a blue silk that matched his blue eyes. He had toned legs and was wearing makeup, too. As the man swung towards him, time seemed to stop. He came eye-height with Keith and they made eye contact.

In the one second, the man smiled slightly. It was a wonky smile - only one side of his face tilted upwards - but it was a beautiful, warm, welcoming smile. As time began to pick up again and the man swung back down, he turned to his older brother.

"Who's that?" Keith asked, barely able to keep his voice steady.

"That is Lance," Shiro said, smiling knowingly to himself. "His twin is called Veronica."

"Will we meet them?"

The show ended and Shiro nodded. "Yeah, come on."

As the crowd went wild, Shiro and Keith made their way downstairs and backstage. As they climbed down the wooden staircase to the area behind stage, Shiro started talking.

"No fans backstage," he patted the backs of two people who were talking to a woman with long white hair.

"Sorry, sir," the two men said.

"That's fine," Shiro replied. "Allura, can you escort them out?"

The white-haired woman - Allura - nodded and started to walk towards the exit, bringing the two men with her.

"That's Allura," Shiro said, walking through the rows of costumes and props. "She's albino and sings and dances well."

"She's pretty," Keith commented.

"She is," Shiro agreed.

Keith frowned, catching sight of something on Shiro's hand. "Shiro?" he said and his older brother stopped walking, turning back to Keith. "You're married?"

"Yeah," Shiro smiled. "To a man named Adam. We have two girls."

Keith frowned. He hadn't know Shiro was married. He hadn't been invited to the wedding, either.

"Why?" Shiro asked.

Keith shook his head, dismissing the hurt he felt. "I just didn't know you'd married."

The two men continued to walk through the clothing areas until Shiro stopped. Keith came to stand beside him.

The two twins stood, still in their costumes, talking to a large man and the short woman who rode on a horse in the show. The short woman noticed Shiro and nodded a greeting to him, causing the other three to turn and look at the pair.

"Lance, Veronica," Shiro said, greeting the twins and giving the other two a look. Taking the hint, Hunk and Pidge walked away slightly, talking to each other. "I want you to meet our newest hire - Mr Keith Kogane."

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