Chapter 4

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Once you found the field, you wandered around a bit in search for a boulder to practice on. You eventually found one and started practicing with your knives on the boulder. Trying your hardest to slice the rock in half before you feel tired.

You kept on hitting the big rock before you heard the grass swaying. You looked behind you and saw it was the wind. Thinking nothing of it, you turned back to the rock and continued to attack it.

You heard footsteps and turned around, seeing a figure stood behind you. You immediately held your knife out toward the persons neck, not knowing who had just snuck up on you.

"Can't sleep?" The voice says.

"Wait, I know that voice." You thought to yourself.

"Gojo? Don't sneak up on me like that. I could've cut your head off." You reply.

"You know, no one has ever managed to get that close to me before. Congrats. So you are more powerful then me and Megumi thought. Huh." Gojo says.

"I still don't know what you mean by me being powerful. And did you say I'm the only person that could've almost killed you?!" You reply.

"Yeah pretty much. Anyway, you said you didn't know what I meant when I said you were probably on par with Sukuna?" Gojo asks.

"Yeah. That's what I said." You reply.

"Now, you know what curses are right?" Gojo pauses waiting to see if you knew or not.

"Curses are beings created from negative energy that only people under certain circumstances can see. Whether it be near death. Or otherwise." You reply.

"So you were paying attention." Gojo says, clasping his hands together.

"I mean I did follow that Megumi guy around a while. He didn't even notice me. I had to physically say something before he did. Same for Itadori. Well, actually I ran past Itadori." You say.

"And he didn't sense you? With that much cursed energy, I'm surprised he didn't." Gojo says.

"Anyway so I have cursed energy. How do we figure out what type?" You ask.

"Ok, try using some of your cursed energy. Focus your mind on it." Gojo says.

"Ok?" You reply.

You focused on the cursed energy and managed to create a sword out of your cursed energy.

"Woah! I didn't know I could do that!" You exclaim.

"Interesting." Gojo pauses.

"Ok. Let's spar. One on one." Gojo says.

"Seriously?! Is that even a good idea?!" You exclaim.

"Nope but we're doing it anyway." Gojo says.

"Ok. Fine. But I won't go easy on you." You reply.

"Neither will I." Gojo says.

You charged at Gojo and he managed to dodge your first attack. He then went to punch you but you managed to grab his hand and throw him over your shoulder, causing him to land on the floor. He then charged at you again and you kept on dodging before punching him backwards, causing him to go flying into the boulder you were laying waste to. He got up and you saw the boulder was close to cracking.

You kept sparing for a while longer before you had managed to pin Gojo to the floor, holding his arm backwards as if you were gonna break his arm.

"Well. You are definitely more powerful then we thought. No one. And I mean no one has ever beat me in a fight. I think I'm starting to get an idea on what you cursed energy is." Gojo says.

"You have the same power equal to a god. Futsunushi to be precise." Gojo adds.

"Futsunushi? What's that?" You ask, confused.

"Not what. Who. Futsunushi is the god of swords, martial arts and conquest." Gojo replies.

"Wait. So I'm as powerful as a god?!" You exclaim.

"No. You have the equal power of a god." Gojo says.

"Damn. I was not expecting that." You reply.

"Well, I'm going to bed. You should too. We're going to Tokyo tomorrow." Gojo says.

"I think I'll stay here a while. I don't feel tired. I'm thinking of attacking this boulder some more. I'm not going to sleep until that boulder is broken." You reply.

"Ok then. Good luck with that (!)" Gojo says sarcastically.

"Hey! I heard that!" You shout as he walks away.

After Gojo left, you kept on using your swords and knives to attack the boulder. After a while, you had completely broken it then soon passed out afterwards from overworking yourself.

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