Chapter 10

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"Itadori will come back, even if he dies as a result." Megumi pauses.

"That's just the kind of guy he is. Persistent. To no end." You add.

"You're thinking too highly of him. He's just a dimwit who's a little stronger than most humans. Just a while ago he was so scared while on the verge of death. He was hyping himself up like a mess, you know? I'll tell you this, he doesn't have the guts to commit suicide." Sukuna says.

After Sukuna said this, you and Megumi both took up fighting stances. Megumi had his hands ready to call upon his "Shikigami" and you were ready to summon a sword. Though you didn't want to hurt Itadori. Megumi called upon his bird, and you created a blunt weapon using your cursed energy.

"I've finally made it outside. Let's make full use of this space!" Sukuna demands.

Both you and Megumi charged at Sukuna at the same time, though you delayed your attack ever so slightly so he didn't know when you were going to attack. You wanted to make yourself a lot harder to read so he couldn't predict your moves. However, he seemed to be reading Megumi and his Shikigami.

Sukuna then came up beside Megumi and punched him. However, he hadn't noticed you behind him and you slammed him into the floor. You jumped away so as not to get attacked.

"Put in some more curse, would ya?" Sukuna said to Megumi as he punched him.

Just after Megumi got punched, he called upon his "Monster Serpent" and it snatched Sukuna up into the jaws of its mouth. Then, his other Shikigami came charging towards the trapped Sukuna and you also charged as well.

"Don't give him time!" Megumi shouted to you and his Shikigami.

Sukuna managed to break free and moved quickly to a position behind Megumi.

"I told you, didn't I? To make full use of this space." Sukuna says, grabbing Megumi's jacket.

He then flung Megumi up into the air and then slammed him back down again with pure agility. Megumi crashed into his Shikigami and landed on the roof the facility building. You chased after them and made sure to make it there quickly. Deciding to create a skateboard out of your cursed energy instead. You watched from afar, so you could land a surprise attack on Sukuna. And by the looks of Megumi, you knew it was needed. It almost seemed as if he was at his limit.

"Good technique." Sukuna said.

"Your Shikigami use shadows as a medium, don't they?" Sukuna asks.

"So what?" Megumi responds.

"Hmmm. You don't get it, do you?" Sukuna says.

"That time... why did you escape?" Sukuna asks.

"?" Megumi looked confused.

"What a waste of talent. Well, whatever. In any case, at this point I'm not gonna heal this, you know?" Sukuna says, pointing at Itadori's chest.

"You're risking your life doing something foolish. This brat, he isn't even worth it." Sukuna states as Megumi goes to stand up.

Then, out of nowhere you appeared in front of Sukuna and punched him in the face, sending him flying backwards. He was surprised to say the least.

"Y/N! What are you doing?! This isn't your fight!" Megumi shouts.

"What do you mean 'not my fight'? That's my friend over there, you know! I may have only known him a week or so, but still. He's the first friend I've ever had! And I am not giving up on him. Besides, you're in no condition to fight. Remember what Gojo-Sensei said? I'm the only person that's a match for him. So let me go on with my plan. And just trust me, Fushiguro. I'm gonna buy you some time. Maybe try and get him to heal the wound on accident if possible." You pause. "So please, just trust me." You finish, giving Megumi a closed-eye smile.

"Good. That's good. So you're going to get fired up now, huh." Sukuna says to you.

"You want a fight, you got it." You say to Sukuna.

You then darted straight at Sukuna and dropped down below him, causing him to look down. You quickly grabbed his legs and pulled him to floor, placing him in a chokehold. You knew it wouldn't work, but it was worth the try. Sukuna tried to get free, and inevitably tried to throw you off of him. You jumped backwards, and skidded across the floor.

"Entertain me, L/N Y/N!!" Sukuna shouts.

You kept on fighting Sukuna for a bit, dealing each other blow after blow. However, your cursed energy was also starting to reach its limit. You needed a backup plan, and fast.

"I... I don't happen to have any logical reason for saving you then. Even if it was dangerous, I didn't want to see a good person like you die. I had some doubts, but ultimately, I made a selfish choice driven by my emotions. But that's fine. I'm not a hero. I'm a sorcerer." Megumi says.

"Ten Sacred Treasures. Norowareta fūjin." You said, using up the last of you cursed energy. You had reached your limit.

(A/N: Heya. Author-chan here! Sorry to interrupt the story. Just here to explain what "Norowareta fūjin" means. It's Japanese for, "cursed seal.")

"That's why I never regretted saving you... not even once." Megumi says.

"...I see. You're smart, Fushiguro. So you must be thinking a lot more about these things than I am." Itadori replies.

"I think the way you live your truth is right. But I don't think I'm wrong either." Megumi says.

"Ah... sorry. It's almost time for me. You, Kugisaki, Y/N and Gojo-Sensei. I don't need to worry about you guys, right? Live long will ya?" Itadori says before dropping to the floor.

"No..." You say, dropping to your knees out of exhaustion and watching your friend die.

The eyes of the innocent hold the most demons - Itadori Yuji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now