Chapter 34

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Since the Sister event was over, you were all given some time off before you would be sent on missions again. Currently, you were lying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Out of sheer boredom. You were bored and had nothing to do. You wanted to train, quite a lot but you couldn't currently. Since you were still healing, you couldn't train at all even though you desperately wanted to. You wanted to get stronger. To catch up to your sensei. And your friends. Even if you had a god inside of you. Even if her power was infinite. Even if... that's all you could think of. You were strong with the god, but without? Well, you were getting there. That's why you wanted to train.

Getting fed up with being stuck inside, you opted on leaving your dorm room and finding something entertaining to do. Even if you were supposed to be resting, you were restless. You couldn't stand idle and watch everyone training during the time off. So you just left your dorm. You headed for the exit of the school, intending on going on a walk to clear your head. You were going to go on a walk alone until a certain someone called out your name.

"Y/N! Where you headed?" Yuji shouts across the courtyard.

You turned to face him, slightly annoyed that you couldn't go alone but glad that you would have company. Asking Nobara to tag along you knew was a bad idea since she would just insist on going shopping and buying you new clothes. You were perfectly fine with the clothes you had in your wardrobe.

"Yuji, hello. I was just going on a walk. I was bored." You reply.

"Bored, huh? Same. But shouldn't you be resting?" Yuji asks.

"Yes." You reluctantly answer. "But I can't just sit still." You add.

"I guess boredom got the better of both of us, huh?" He says with a slight chuckle.

"I guess so. I was just heading nowhere in particular." You say.

"Hmm. What about the park then?" Yuji suggests.

"Sure, that'd be nice." You say with a smile.

You both walked next to each other, heading to the nearest park to just sit and chat to pass the time. As much as you were glad you had a week off, you wanted something to do. You wanted to beg Gojo to let you go on a mission. Anything to pass the week. Anything to curb your boredom.

"So what made you just walk out of your dorm then?" Yuji asks.

"I needed to clear my head so I thought a walk would be the best way." You reply.

"Clear your head? From what?" Yuji asks.

"The fact that I feel like both yours, sensei's and Megumi's backs are disappearing out from my reach. You all- minus sensei – keep getting stronger and I don't feel like I've made any progress. Yeah I have a god but I can't always rely on her. I need to perfect my own technique. Perfect my own cursed energy. Cos I can't keep relying on others." You reply.

"Y/N. Who said you weren't getting stronger? Think back to the sister event with the curse me, you and Todo were fighting. You hid so you could keep fighting until you passed out. If that isn't you getting stronger then I don't know what is." Yuji says, trying to cheer you up.

"Thanks Yuji, I really needed that." You say with a smile.

"D-don't thank me. I'm just stating facts." Yuji says, blushing slightly and rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Oya? Are you blushing Yuji?" You tease.

"N-no!" He says, hiding his face.

"I was only teasing." You say with a slight giggle.

Then you arrived at the park. You headed in and found a bench to sit on. Once settled, Yuji turned to you and said something.

"You know, I remember the day we met." Yuji blurts out of nowhere.

The eyes of the innocent hold the most demons - Itadori Yuji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now