Chapter 35

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Having come down with a fever, you were lying in bed. Sleeping. Yuji had gone off to buy snacks as he planned on watching a film with you. Ever since the Sister event, with Todo asking him to name his ideal woman and you your ideal man, he realised something. It may not have been obvious to you, but Yuji genuinely thought you were describing him. Something deep inside him wanted him to become closer with you. Not in a protecting way since he saw you were completely capable of doing so. But in an entirely different way.

As Yuji was leaving the school campus, he somehow bumped into someone.

"S-sensei!" Yuji says.

"Yo, Yuji-kun. Where are you headed off to?" Gojo asks.

"The convenience store." Yuji replies.

"Eh? What for?" Gojo asks.

"To buy snacks?" Yuji said, not sure why Gojo would ask that.

"Planning on watching a film with Y/N or something?" Gojo asks.

Yuji hid a slight blush before replying. "Yes."

"Ho ho, you should make a move before someone else does." Gojo said, winking under his eye mask (though no but him knew) before leaving.

Yuji blushed slightly at what Gojo had said and decided to put it to the back of his mind. Continuing the walk to the convenience store, he finally got there. He went inside and grabbed as many bags as possible of sweets, chocolates and crisps that he could. Realising he couldn't carry everything, he headed back to the front of the store to grab a basket and placed everything in his hands inside the basket. He then headed to the drinks section and grabbed a couple bottles of his favourite drink and of yours.

Although you may not have noticed it, Yuji had noticed subtle details about you. Back when all of you ate sushi together, he noticed what drink you ordered. That was how he remembered your favourite drink. He also remembered the countless times you refused to run away from a situation and stayed by his side. Even if it meant you were risking your life.

If it weren't for you, he might not have been able to regain control over Sukuna. Maybe if he used as much willpower as he could, yes, but you helped make it easier for him. Almost as if you took a load off of his back. No matter how many times things would get tough, you would always be there. Helping. He couldn't remember a single time you ran away from something. You were always there for him, so he wanted to make it up to you.

After he paid for everything and collected the bags from the cashier, he headed for the exit and began walking back towards the college. After a matter of minutes, he made it back. He began walking towards the dorms and eventually was outside your room. He knocked on your door and waited for a response which he shortly received. He carefully opened the door and headed in, seeing you stood up in your kitchen. Cleaning.

"You should be resting not cleaning." Yuji says, placing down the bags on the counter and closing the door.

"I know. But my apartment was a mess." You say, turning to face him.

"Do you feel any better?" He asks, stepping towards you.

"No..." You reply.

"Take a seat on your sofa and I'll finish up." Yuji offers.

"No, no it's fine. I can do it." You say, going to throw something in the bin before leaning on the countertop. "On second thoughts I think I'll take you up on that offer." You say.

Yuji headed into your kitchen and started finishing up the cleaning you were midway through. Once he was done, he started unpacking the bags he placed on your countertop. Your eyes widened in surprise before you asked him a question.

"Yuji. Did you buy all of this?" You ask.

"Yeah. I thought we could watch films until you felt better." He says, rubbing the nape of his neck.

You blushed slightly before smiling. "I'd like that."

"Ok one second then. I need to go grab some films from my room." He says, heading to the door.

"Okay." You say as you watch Yuji head to his dorm room.

You headed to your bedroom and grabbed a few blankets you had dotted around as well as some pillows. You then headed to your living room and placing the pillows on the sofa for extra comfort and placing the blankets to the side. Yuji shortly came back and headed to the kitchen, grabbing the bag of snacks as well as the drinks. He put the rest of the drinks in the fridge before heading to your living room.

"Y-you remembered." You say when you see Yuji holding your favourite drink.

"Y-yeah. From when we had sushi." Yuji says, blushing ever so slightly.

Yuji then sat down on the sofa next to you before you passed him a blanket. He wrapped the blanket around himself and you did the same. The lucky thing for you was that if you blushed, it wouldn't be as noticeable since your cheeks were already dusted a slight pink from your fever.

"I sat down and didn't even put a film in the DVD player." Yuji says with a chuckle.

You giggled slightly before Yuji picked up the pile of DVD's stacked on the coffee table, before asking what you wanted to watch.

"How about a horror film?" You ask.

"Sure." He said, taking the first horror film he saw from the pile and heading to the DVD player to put it in.

When the movie started playing, he passed you some snacks which you thanked him for. You opened the bag of crisps he gave you and started eating them. As the movie progressed, you felt yourself slowly drifting off into sleep. You tried staying awake as long as you could before your head finally drooped and laid itself on Yuji's shoulder, causing him to blush for the umpteenth time this day. He looked to his side seeing you fast asleep and turned off the movie, yawning slightly. Once the film was off and he was able to remove all of the food wrappers and open bags from the sofa, he soon fell asleep too, leaning on atop your head.

Slightly shorter chapter this time but how did you like it? I'm trying to include as much fluff as I can. You need your own alone time with Yuji at some point *smirks*. I'm kidding. I'm not writing a lemon for this fanfic. Sorry if you were expecting a lemon. Also, I hope to be able to publish two chapters today. Again, sorry if I don't manage to post the second chapter.

Author-chan out! (that's like my go-to thing now)

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