Chapter 16

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"Teach me how to unleash my full abilities." You say.

"If you insist." Futsunushi replies.

There was inner turmoil within you. You wanted to know how to fully tap into your cursed energy, but was unsure why it was even kept from you in the first place.

"I'm back! I found some bandages as well." Itadori said, interrupting your train of thought. 

He helped you bandage the wounds caused by Sukuna while you continued to have inner turmoil within yourself. You were itching to know all the answers, so thought about asking Itadori for advice.

"Hey Yuji? I erm need help with something." You say, looking at Yuji.

"Ok?" Yuji replies, confused.

"If you haven't worked out by now, I have a god residing within me. Well, when Gojo-Sensei was training me outside, I made a pact with her. To be able to master cursed energy. Problem is, she says that the cursed energy I can use isn't even me at my full potential. Basically, it's locked away in a box." You explain.

"Ok. So you can use what 15% of it?" Yuji asks.

"Yeah about that." Futsunushi replies.

"Ok. And the rest is locked away within you?" Yuji asks for clarification.

"Yeah." You reply.

"Doesn't cursed energy stem from anger and sadness? Then within a jujutsu sorcerer it's stronger when these emotions are heightened?" Yuji asks.

"Correct." Futsunushi replies.

"So then. That means, you've never been angry or sad in your life, have you?" Yuji asks.

Your face distorts into one of shock. It was as if he had hit the nail on the head.

"I mean. I was bullied back in junior high. But I always thought nothing of it. Smiled through the whole ordeal. As if it were nothing. I never knew my parents either. I lived with my sister for most of my life. Then one day when I was at school, she apparently died. But I was never told. Until 2 years ago when I found out. I was told my parents were killed by curses and same my sister. But I never knew my parents so never knew how to feel. And I never really saw my sister. She was always working. So I guess I've never been angry or sad. Ever." You say, then, upon thinking some more, remembered one time where you were upset.

"Well I can think of one time I was upset. But I've never cried. Or been angry." You say to Yuji.

"So, in order to draw out your cursed energy, we need to make you angry. Or cry." Yuji ponders.

"How about watching one of these sad films?" Yuji asks.

"Yeah ok." You reply.

You both sit down on the couch and begin watching a really sad film. Once the film had ended, Yuji had a pile of tissues on his lap. And you had none. Not a single tissue. Nor a single tear was shed.

"Seriously?! Nothing?!" Yuji sighs in annoyance.

"Shall we ask Sukuna for ideas?" You ask Yuji.

You both thought for a moment before coming to the same agreement.

"Nope." You said in unison.

Then, the door to the basement opened and Gojo walked in.

"Sensei! We need help. We're trying to unlock Y/N's cursed energy. Turns out, she's never been angry or cried." Yuji says.

"Huh. Did you try a sad movie?" Gojo asks.

"Yup. And I cried more than she did." Yuji says.

"What about family? Who were you most closest to?" Gojo asks.

The eyes of the innocent hold the most demons - Itadori Yuji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now