The Ball(Part 2)

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He took your hand gingerly and allowed you to lead him through the thinning crowd to the dance floor.

Conveniently, another slow song began to play at that moment.

You chose a spot by one of the back corners, and turned to face Fred. He was blushing and trying to look down, though his eyes kept meeting yours.

You put your hand on his shoulder and lifted his other to a dancing position. Though he hesitated to put his hand on your waist.

"Are you alright?" You asked, trying to get your face in his view as he stared at the floor.

"Yes- well. I -" He stuttered, making you laugh slightly. He looked at you and smiled, seeming to find the ability to finish his sentence. "I'm sorry, it's just- you look so beautiful."

His eyes stared into yours and his words echoed inside of your head. Over and over they played. You took the moment to see him, to truly see him. You studied his face, his eyes, and how they seemed to brighten the world even when being such a dark shade of brown. His perfect nose. His cheeks, dotted with freckles and a growing blush. His mouth and it's perfect smile that brought all joy to your life.

"Thank you." You replied sheepishly, matching his blush. "You look quite handsome yourself." You replied, making him smile and straighten his back.

He placed his hand on your waist, being gentle and sincere, unlike Draco, who had been slightly controlling.

"So what's wrong with Angelina?" You asked once you two had began swaying with the rhythm of the song. He looked down, ashamedly, before meeting your eyes once again.

"I guess I was distracted or something. She said I never pay any attention to her, so she said we're over. Though I'm not sure we ever had something in the first place." He finished, and you felt bad for him. He was the sweetest boy and didn't deserve to be treated the way had Angelina treated him.

"Well it's too bad. She's missing out on a wonderful guy." You said, placing a hand on his cheek.

He looked at you and smiled, then let go of your waist, raising his other hand around your head.

You gasped as he spun and pulled you back in. Though it was a simple move that anyone like Angelina could do, you still giggled at the thought that you'd successfully danced with someone. And not just any someone.

Fred Weasley.

You expected him to put his hand back on your waist, but instead he twirled you so that his arm wrapped around you and you were against his chest, caught in his grasp.

"What're you doing to me Weasley? I'm actually dancing." You said, making him laugh.

"I know. And you're really good at it too." He said as he spun you back out.

Without warning, he placed his hand back on your waist and dipped you, holding your hand close to his chest. You laughed and let your head fall upside down, seeing George giving you a thumbs up. You stuck your tongue out at him teasingly.

You hadn't noticed when Fred brought his face level with yours, so when you brought your head back up, you were met with his eyes gazing at you.

You began breathing faster, wanting so badly to kiss him.

Just as you thought he'd lean in, his eyes left yours and looked beyond you to Angelina.

She stood inches away from you, her hand on her hip.

Fred brought you back up slowly, and let go of you, blushing wildly.

"So you can't even focus when you dance with me, but now you're some professional waltz dancer?" She asked, making you look down, feeling bad.

"Look, it's not like that. I was just distracted." He said, and Angelina scoffed.

"Oh sure. Well you seem perfectly fine now, hm?" She said and you began to walk off.

"Y/n! Wait." You heard Fred say.

"No um, I have to go. I'm tired. Thank you for the dance. It was lovely." You said without turning back.

You were walking towards the door when Draco grabbed your hand.

"Y/n. Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine. I'm tired so I'm going to bed now. Thank you for the amazing night." You said facing him, making him smile.

"My pleasure. I'm sorry about leaving you for Pansy. Apparently she only wants one thing from me. Anyways, good night." He said as he kissed your cheek, in which you only nodded to.

You walked out to find Hermione sitting on the staircase crying.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" You asked rushing to her. She didn't look at you, she only embraced you as you sat next to her.

"I wanted to go with Ron. I wanted him to ask me. He's so clueless. Why are boys like this?!" She said sobbing into your shoulder.

"Oh Hermione. I'm so sorry. Boys are honestly just stupid." You said, making her laugh slightly.

"Yeah. I know."

"Come on then. Why cry over him. How about we go hang out in the common room, okay?" You said and she nodded and stood.

"Yes. That would be nice."

You two made it to the common room and sat on the couch, discussing (some random topic).

George, Fred, Katie, Alicia and Angelina came in about an hour later and joined you two.

Naturally, the topic changed to quidditch.

You used to play quidditch with Fred and George in your first three years of school. You were the top chaser.

Once, you'd suffered a blow from a bludger, and you weren't able to walk for a week. You hadn't played since, mainly because you'd realized how much spare time you'd have if you wouldn't play.

"Well y/n was the best chaser we've ever had. Too bad Fred was staring at y-." Katie said, and Fred nudged her, making her eyes grow wide.

"I wasn't staring at anyone. I was busy with another bludger." He said, staring at Katie.

"Oh yeah. You're right. Never mind." Katie said looking at her hands.

You looked at Fred questioningly, but he avoided your eyes.

"Oh. Well okay then. I'm off to bed everyone. Good night." You said.

Everyone responded with a goodnight, and Hermione had gotten up soon after you.

You pondered the conversation from earlier, wondering what had been wrong.

After attempting to close your eyes for the hundredth time, you managed to keep them closed long enough to fall asleep, naturally dreaming of Fred.

Hi my little crowd.
I totally didn't listen to the new Normal Not Normal podcast while writing this. Haha. That would be suuuper weeeeird.

Also, I'm a huge Marvel nerd, and THEY RELEASED THE MOVIE DATES FOR 2020!!! I can't wait for the Loki show!! I've always had a soft spot for greasy, misunderstood villains. haha.
Thank you for reading!!

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