The First Vision

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"AHHHHHHHH!" You heard a scream and jumped off of the couch, grabbing your wand in a blind action.

"Woah calm down. I'm just wakin' you up." George said from behind you laughing. You turned to see him rolling on the floor.

"You jerk! That's not funny!" You yelled at him, stomping down the stairs.

"I'm just messing with you!" He yelled after you, running down the hallway.

"I told him it was a bad idea." Fred said as you sat at the table. You piled sausage on your plate.

"Yes. It was."

"Alright alright. I'm sorry." George stopped laughing, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Come on! Come on! We can't be late!" Arthur yelled running down the stairs. He grabbed a piece of toast and ran out the door. You and the twins grabbed your bags and rushed after him.

Everyone else followed.

The walk was excruciatingly long, but would have been longer if it weren't for the twins. You were able to get a flock of birds to fly after Percy, making him run ahead of everyone. He looked back to scold you, but you pointed at George.

"How old are you? Five!?" He yelled to George who bumped you off of the trail. It was on a slight hill, and you slid down a bit. You and Fred laughed as he held out his hand to help you back onto the trail.

"Nice one." He laughed at George.

"Ah! Mr. Amos Digory!" Arthur said as they reached the top of the hill.

"Arthur! We've been expecting you!" They greeted each other with a warm hug and Arthur shook Cedric's hand as he jumped down from a tree.

"Like a bird." Fred commented. You laughed, but took note of the hint of jealousy in his voice, as Ginny and Hermione giggled at Cedric.

"Jealous?" You questioned, laughing at his offended expression.

"Me? Never!" He said back. George laughed and you all followed behind as everyone crowded around the old boot sitting at the peak of the hill.

"Grab on everyone!" Amos yelled. You and the twins rushed over as everyone was there already.

You felt yourself going dizzy and the boot spun furiously. Arthur yelled at everyone to let go, and you and the twins let go at the same time.

George landed on Percy, and you landed on Fred. You blushed and offered a hand to him.

"Thanks for the landing." You smiled and he blushed, scratching at his arm.

"Anytime." He studied the ground. You began to walk with the rest of the group, pulling Fred behind you by his arm.

"Come on already! You two are so slow!" Percy yelled. Fred stuck his tongue out at him and you laughed.

"Y/n, I hope you won't mind bunking with the twins. The girls tent is quite small." Arthur asked you, opening the entrance to where you'd be sleeping.

"Not at all. I'll keep them in line." You laughed and walked through the fabric. George gasped as he followed behind you. Seeing the tent grow ten times in size once inside.

"Bloody hell." Ron commented. "This is bigger than my tent!" You gave him a proud 'ha' and threw your bag on one of the beds.

"This ones mine! I'm tired of the couch." You pointed out as George claimed the other bed. Fred was left with the couch, but he said he didn't mind.

"Come on kids! Time to go!" Amos poked his head through your tent and waved for you three to follow him.

"Move!" You laughed and pushed George out of the way. He ran to catch up with you.

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