A Short Story in the Future

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I'm on spring break right now, so I thought I'd give you guys a short story :)

It's not that long though. Sorry.

James came bursting into your room, crying in the doorway, shadowed by the unlit hallway.

"Again bud?" Fred asked from beside you on the bed, leaning his shirtless torso on an elbow.

"Yeah it, it was a, a bad one dad." The six-year-old boy went immediately for his dad, your husband, and jumped into the bed. He nuzzled in between you and Fred, covering himself up under the covers.

You waited a couple minutes for James's crying to die down before trying to talk to him.

"What was it this time?" you asked, running your hand through James's curly red hair, which he probably inherited from the same person Percy did, and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I, I don't really remember. But I was just really scared," your son said, laying his head on Fred's pillow.

"It's okay. Everyone gets scared. But we gotta get you back to bed you nutcase." Fred always had a way of soothing your son, making him laugh and smile every time he was around.

You smiled as Fred picked up James and walked out into the hallway, turning in the direction of the boy's room.

You and Fred had been married for almost three years, and you'd successfully survived many battles in that time.

In the official battle of Hogwarts, you managed to save Fred from being completely murdered. Many others did not have such fortune, and many lost their lives.

After the battle, you and Fred got married and ended up finding a house to live in together, living not too far from the Burrow.

Another battle you both survived was the loss of Ginny. She'd died in the battle, leaving everyone scared and upset for a long time.

Fred specifically had left. He hadn't shown much emotion the two days after her death, and suddenly told you he was leaving. He didn't specify when he'd come back, and had left you in the worst of times.

Though you were upset with him, you couldn't help but rejoice when he came back a week later. He explained later that he just needed to get over Ginny, which was reasonable.

He promised to never leave you again, bawling his eyes out into your shoulder, and had kept that promise through your first pregnancy with James, and still to that day.

James was your first child and he was six, ready to start going to a beginners magic school. But you were expecting another child, being six months pregnant at the time. Fred refused to let you find out the gender of the baby, wanting it to be a family surprise.

"We'll find out when they get here," he'd said, giving you his best Weasley smile. You could never resist your husband when he gave you the twinkling look in his eyes.

You rolled over in your bed that you shared with Fred and covered yourself tightly with your comforter.

You listened as James begged Fred to sing him a song to help him sleep, and you listened as Fred gave in, singing a cute song that he'd made up for the boy.

You began drifting off to sleep, listening to your husband's soft voice. You hadn't known you fell asleep until you heard the creaking of your bedroom door. You heard Fred sit on the bed, not laying down yet.

"What did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful family?" Fred whispered to himself, thinking you were asleep.

You were very much awake, and smiled as the words left his mouth.

"You married me," you responded, giggling as Fred poked your side.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." Fred laid down in the bed, scooting over to your side and wrapping an arm around you. Your back was to his chest and he leaned down and kissed your neck lightly.

"I love you," he whispered into your ear.

"I love you t-- oh! Fred! Hurry feel it!" You said suddenly feeling movement inside of you.

You grabbed Fred's hand and placed it on your stomach as the child in your stomach began kicking and moving.

"That's amazing." You heard Fred whisper, keeping his hand on your stomach and moving his thumb in small movements.

"It really is."

Soon the kicking stopped, but Fred kept his hand there for a while, his head propped up on his other hand.

"I should probably go back to sleep. I have work tomorrow." Fred said, putting his arm back around you.

He laid his head next to yours, his breathing flitting across your neck as he drifted into a sleep you were sure he'd never wake from.

"Okay. Goodnight. I love you." You whispered so as not to wake him.

You smiled to yourself again, unsure as to how you were the one who got so lucky. You had everything you could ever want and more to come. Life was perfect, especially in that moment, with your husband sleeping soundly holding you in his arms and your son sleeping just as soundly in his room next door.

Everything was perfect.

Hope you liked this!

Thank you so much for reading and the support!

Much love!


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