Fred and, Fred?

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Once you and Fred were cold to the core, you began making your way inside, his arm around your waist.

You looked up at him and met his eyes, each of you smiling and blushing.

Once you were inside you ran from him, not bothering to check if anyone was around. You'd rather get caught with him.

You heard him whisper your name as his footsteps echoed behind you.

"This isn't funny. We need to be cautious." He whispered again, closing in on you.

"I don't care! I would rather a teacher find me with you!" You said back to him all too loudly. You laughed as a pair of arms grabbed your waist and stopped you.

"I would too. But I still don't want detention miss." He said pinning you against the wall and staring into your eyes. You giggled and stared back, wanting to kiss him again.

His eyes gazed over your lips before coming back to your face. He touched your cheek gently and smiled. You blushed at his touch, but he wasn't being himself. You watched as his joyous expression disappeared, and his brow furrowed.

"Let's go." He mumbled avoiding your gaze and freeing you.

"Uh, sure. Yeah, okay." You said standing awkwardly, taking his hand in yours and walking down the hallway slowly.

You made it to the common room after turning down a few hallways. It was a miracle that no one was around, though it was late in the night.

As you stepped into the common room, you led Fred to the couch by the fireplace, starting a small fire with a whip of your wand.

"Are you okay? You seem off." You asked bluntly as he sat next to you. He didn't sit in the spot you'd expected. Normally he'd sit and let you put your feet in his lap. But at the moment he was sitting cross-legged, holding his knees.

He looked at you, then looked down at his hands.

"I just don't deserve you. You shouldn't love me." He said, making your heart drop. Why would he say such a thing?

"Fred, if anything I don't deserve you. You're the definition of perfect." You smiled at him and took one of his hands, holding it close to you. "How could I not love a mischievous and caring boy like you?"

He looked at you and smiled weakly, examining your face before looking down at your intertwined hands.

"Well we better de off to bed." He said, looking at you through his eyelashes.

"Wanna sleep on the couch with me? Like that other night?" You asked smiling. Fred looked at you, his brow furrowed.

"Other night?" He asked this and you looked at him questioningly.

"Yeah. When that wretched boy kissed me." You said, slightly tilting your head.

Fred's expression stayed neutral in a way. He didn't seem to have a thought going on.

"Yeah. Right. Um, sure. We can stay here for a bit." He said hesitantly as you laid across the couch, pulling his arm down so he could to do the same next to you. You closed your eyes and smiled as you snuggled against his chest, listening to his fast-paced heartbeat.

"Good night Freddie."

"Good night Y/n." He said.

You opened your eyes quickly and sat up.

"What?!" You asked a little above a whisper.

"What?" He asked, raising himself to his elbows.

"That's never how you've said good night to me. Not in all of our years of friendship. Just because we said we love each other doesn't mean this is changing." As you finished your sentence, you heard a loud crash that came from he boy's dorm room.

I'll Love You Forever (Fred Weasley X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now