Could it Really Be

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"So, do you remember that one, dreadful quidditch game we had? The one in our third year?" Fred asked, looking at you in a shy manner.

"Of course. Worst game I've ever played." You said, remembering your last quidditch game you'd ever played.

"Right. Well.... the thing is.... you were hit by the bludger. You know that. But, what you don't exactly know yet, is that I was supposed to be hitting that bludger away from you." He said, making nervous motions with his hands.

"Fred, calm down." You said, placing your hand over his. He looked at you and smiled, then grew sad. "Look, I don't care that you didn't get the bludger in time. Those buggers are fast anyways." You said.

"That's not- I- I could've gotten it. I could've saved you." He said looking down.

You knew your expression was questioning, but fred continued.

"I was supposed to be there. But you had to make that bloody goal and your whole face had to light up and you threw your hands in the air triumphantly and you smiled so brightly. I just couldn't help it. I just stared at you." He said, dropping his face in his hands. You blushed at his words, but pushed it down as he went on again.

"Look, I watched pucey hit the bludger. And I watched it head straight for you from behind. You had no idea it was even coming. You just kept smiling. And then, when you looked at me and gave me the largest thumbs up, I just felt frozen." His voice broke and you quickly embraced Fred as he put his head on your shoulder.

"Y/n, I watched it hit you. I watched your terrified expression. I watched your limp body fall to the ground. I dove for you, but it was just too late." You knew he had to be breaking down by now.

"You were in the hospital wing for a week. I was scared that you'd never wake up. And every day I had to wake up knowing I could've saved you. Knowing if it weren't for me falling completely in love with you in that moment, you would've been perfectly fine. You would've kept smiling and shining your bright spirit in the field. And because of me, you were hurt. So bad you had to quit the team." Fred said, containing his cries from spilling out.

"Fred, this wasn't your fault." You said, taking his face in your hands. "Listen to me, you've been thinking on this the past what, three years? It was never your fault. If anything, you were what saved me. You were the first face I saw when I woke up. You were the one who climbed into my hospital bed every night. And don't think I didn't know that." You said, Fred chuckled.

When you were recovering from your injuries, Fred had climbed into your bed to sleep with you every night. You always woke up as his body pressed against yours, and you always went to sleep smiling.

"You really knew I stayed with you every night?" He asked, leaning back on the couch. You laughed a little.

"Of course." You said. "Did you really realize you loved me when I made a quidditch goal?" You asked, making Fred drop his head back in embarrassment.

"You know, it sounds weird when you say it like that." He said, laughing.

"Y/n, I don't ever want to hurt you again." Fred said, turning serious.

"You won't Fred. I don't think it's possible." You said, and Fred turned red as he looked over your shoulder.

You turned and saw George walking towards you two, his hands fidgeting.

"Y/n, can I speak with you?" He asked, not looking you in the eye.

You said sure, shared a reassuring look with Fred, then walked to a separate corner of the common room.

You noticed that most of the students had gone to bed by now.

"You alright?" You asked, and George sighed heavily.

"Look, I'm happy for you y/n. I really am. But I can't just pretend that I didn't fall for you too. And what I did isn't something I'm proud of, but this still hurts." He said, looking at you sadly.

"George, I'm sorry, but I don't know what to tell you. I can't help the fact that I'm in love with Fred. I don't want to lose you as a friend for such reason, but I'm not going to deny my love for Fred so you don't have to be jealous." You said, George's expression turning into a blank stare.

"I- I know. This was just stupid. I'm sorry. You know, you make fred happy. You really do. I- I've been selfish. Just uh, make him happy." The stuttering George said, turning to go to his dorm.

"George," you said, stopping him, " See you at breakfast." You said, smiling as George nodded and went up the stairs.

You walked back to Fred and curled up beside him. He placed an arm around your shoulder and smiled down at you.

"Wow. How did I get such an amazing girlfriend." Fred said as more of a statement.

"I have no idea." You said, Fred laughing.

"I'm serious. I love you y/n." He said, you turning to look up at him.

"And I love you Fred." You smiled and Fred's face flushed again, looking down. "What?" You asked.

"Look, I want to make a promise to you." He said, standing and pulling you up with him.


"I know this is technically our first day, not even, as a couple, but I've been in love with you for years. And I will continue to be in love with you." Fred said, taking something from his pocket.

"Fred, what are you saying?" You asked as fred smiled.

"I got this at Hogsmeade. I was saving it for the right moment." Fred said as he showed you the small round package in his hand. He offered it to you, and you took it.

Opening it, you laughed at the little green ring, with a cartoon looking frog smiling up at you on it.

"I thought you'd like that better than a traditional promise ring." He said, smiling as he placed it on your right hand ring finger.

"I love it Fred. But this is a big thing to commit to." You said, frowning for only a second.

"For you, it's always worth it." Fred said, bending down to kiss you.

You two sat back down on the couch once you pulled away.

You both decided you wanted to sleep together.

Fred started a fire as you laid on the couch, making room from Fred to lay next to you.

You stayed awake and listened to the sound of Fred's gentle snores as you studied the ring in the firelight.

Did he really mean it?

Could it really be?

Could it really be that after all of those years, the years of doubting he even wanted to be your friend, he was now your boyfriend?

You weren't sure. But that was the thrill of it. You were never sure what would happen when you were with  fred.

All you knew was that any day you would spend with him for the rest of your life would be an adventure.

An adventure that you couldn't wait for.

Hey guys!

So I've totally lost my motivation to write this book.

I was planning on finishing the year originally, but I've lost the inspiration and want to finish it.

I will probably just jump to the wedding and finish it.

I'm sorry if that's disappointing, but I'm not going to continue writing if it's not something I enjoy. I stated writing this book for fun, but I've sort of lost the fun of it.

To everyone though, thank you for reading!!


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