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You smiled at Draco as he sat next to you. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled back at you.

"Morning l/n." He said casually.

"Morning Malfoy." You said back. You had said it more exasperatedly than you'd expected and felt bad. He looked at you confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked and started getting out the book he needed for the class.

"Yeah. Just some stupid stuff. It's nothing really." You said and leaned back in your seat. Your professor came in and hushed the class. Draco passed a paper your way silently so the teach wouldn't notice.

You can tell me what it is. I won't tell anyone.

You smiled and wrote back on the same paper.

Just boy troubles. I'm fine.

You saw him smile out of the corner of your eye. He put the paper in his pocket and focused his attention back on the professor.

"Alright everyone, class dismissed." You stood and gathered your things. You had a free period after this and started making your way towards the common room.

"So, what kind of troubles are you talking about?" Draco had caught up to you. You were slightly shorted than him and you had to look up at him ever so slightly.

"Well, I just have someone in mind. But I don't think they feel the same. It's just the basic stuff really." You shrugged your shoulders and he looked to you questioningly.

"Who is this mystery man!" He asked with a low voice. You blushed, but you refused to tell him.

"I can't say. It's quite personal." You turned your face away, hoping he couldn't see through you like Angelina.

"Okay. Whatever. See you later l/n." He said putting a hand on your shoulder before turning around and walking the other way.

As you walked to the portrait while, you noticed George outside talking with some first years.

You assumed he was taking bets since the first event was tomorrow.

"Hey y/n. Where'd you go after class earlier?" You heard Fred say from behind you. You turned and saw Angelina behind him. She narrowed her eyes and smirked.

"My other class of course. It's the one I don't have with you and George." Fred nodded and looked at you suspiciously. You knew he could tell something was wrong. You always stay after to talk to him.

"Well don't forget about detention." He said before walking to George.

"Don't be jealous. It doesn't look good on you. Nor does anything else." Angelina whispered to you as she walked into the common room. You clenched your fists and forced yourself to stay quiet.

You spent your free period in the library trying to avoid everyone. No one bothered you and your last few classes passed by rather fast.

You continued to avoid Fred, and you felt bad. But you couldn't stand it. Angelina was hanging around him more than usual. No doubt she wanted him to ask her to the hall.

As you made your way to detention, you heard footsteps behind you, but you ignored them.

You saw filch at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you. Fred was the one behind you and he stood next to you.

Filch left you two with instructions to clean the great hall from that nights dinner. You silently got to work.

"Come on y/n. Talk to me already. Please." Fred pleaded as filch closed the doors. You remained silent and went on cleaning until Fred was in front of you and grabbed your hands.

"Talk to me." He said urgently. Looking into his eyes you almost melted. They were a deep hazel and sparkled in the light.

"There's nothing to talk about." You looked away before you did anything drastic.

"That's not true. I know you too well." He smirked as you rolled your eyes.

"I'm just annoyed with Angelina. That's all." Fred let go of you and sat on a table. He patted the seat next to you for you to sit.


"Well, she's just been bothering me lately. She's made comments about me and little things that she knows gets to me." You avoided talking about him as much as you could.

"Well whatever she says isn't true. You know that right?" He looked down at you and smiled. You blushed slightly.

"I know. It's just annoying I guess." You composed yourself and Fred stood.

"Come on. Let's make this great hall sparkle!" He yelled and threw his arms up, his voice echoing off of the walls. You laughed.

The next two hours you spent cleaning were the most fun you'd ever had. Fred kept throwing leftover pieces of food at you and you ran away laughing. You spent more time making a larger mess than you did cleaning. But the hall still ended up being clean. Filch let you two out and you walked down the dimly lit hall towards the common room.

"That was fun." You said as you reached the portrait.

"Yes. Indeed it was." Fred tried to sound expertly and failed making you laugh.

He smiled at you. You smiled back. You two stayed that way for a moment, drunkenly smiling at each other.

"Freddie! There you are!" You heard Angelina behind Fred and immediately felt yourself grow upset.

"Hey. I just had detention." He said breaking eye contact with you and turning around. You hated how he could turn his attention to her so quickly.

"Oh. With y/n? You didn't tell me that." She said trying to sound composed. You could read through her and knew she was upset.

"I didn't think I really needed to. It wasn't anything too exciting." Fred said. Your stomach dropped.

Nothing exciting?! You felt yourself grow angry and you went into the common room before another word was said.

You heard Fred say something after you, but you immediately went to your dorm. Disregarding the questioning looks from Alicia and Katie you got in bed.

You didn't fall asleep until you heard Angelina come in the room an hour or so later. She snickered, at you you assumed, and started talking with Katie.

"Where were you?" Katie asked. Angelina giggled.

"I was just talking with Fred. He showed me a new thing he and George invented." Angelina said this and you felt your stomach flip. They only showed things like that to you.

"Yeah. We kind of just talked." You shifted in your fake sleep from anger and heard Angelina lower her voice.

"I think y/n is jealous." You could feel her smirk at you.

"No no. She's been sleeping for over an hour." Alicia assured.

She was wrong. You'd heard every word. And you weren't normally jealous of these things, but something about the way Angelina was talking made you become angry. You could tell she knew you were awake. And it took you another hour before you could fall asleep for real.

Detention! I'm not much of a jealous person, but I don't know. Experimenting I guess.

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