Always Running

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You were woken by the sound of voices coming from the common room bellow. You sat up and swung your feet over the edge of the bed.

You stood carefully and put on a pair of sweatpants, along with your Gryffindor sweater. The voices continued as you slipped your feet into a pair of shoes.

Making your way down the hallway, the voices became more defined and you could make our words.

"Oh no. No ones awake. They won't see." You heard a girls voice, followed by giggles from the same voice.

"I don't know. It's early. I'm kind of tired." A deeper voice. A boy's voice. One that you recognized all to well. One that normally brought comfort, but now filled you with jealousy.

Angelina and Fred's figure came into view as you reached the stairs. Angelina was pulling Fred to sit by his arm. You clenched your fists as Fred sat next to her. You were frozen at the top of the stairs with their backs turned towards you.

She scooted closer to him after she used her wand to set fire to the fireplace.

"So, what to do?" Angelina asked. You knew what she wanted to do with him.

"I don't know. You kept me awake. I'm kind of tired." Fred said. You couldn't tell how he was reacting to Angelina by his voice, but he didn't move away, which angered you more.

Angelina just giggled at him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"You came reluctantly. Don't lie." She said this and slightly leaned closer to him. He removed her hand and turned away from her, staring straight on instead.

"Look Freddie, I wanted to know if you'd ask me to the ball. I know you wouldn't do it if I didn't ask you too. So please? Just at any random time okay?" She asked in an even girlier voice. Fred looked at her and didn't say anything for a moment.

Angelina moved her hand again, placing to a low place you couldn't see. You assumed she placed it on his thigh.

"Well, I mean I-" His sentence was cut short as you began to run down the steps. You ran and didn't try to stop the tears that began a slow fall down your face.

You ran out of the portrait whole as fast as you could as you saw both of their faces turn towards you out of the corner of your eye. You didn't dare look at them.

You heard someone call from behind you, but you didn't dare to turn back. You ran to the only comfortable place you knew, and bolted up the steps of the astronomy tower.

You stopped as you reached the top, sitting to dangle your legs at the edge.

You tried to stop the crying, wiping your nose and sniffling. The sky was a mixture of purple and red, but you weren't able to appreciate it at the time.

"Goodness. What happened to you?" You heard Draco come up behind you and hesitantly sit next to you. He put an arm around your shoulder and held you carefully.

"Same as before I guess." You tried laughing but the sound was caught in your throat.

"You and all of your boy troubles, eh?" He chuckled a little, and you just nodded. "Just tell me."

"Well, I like someone. And I have for a while. But they're not interested. I thought maybe they were, but a girl got in the way. And I heard them talking this morning and getting close, and I just ran." A single tear slid down your cheek as you explained the painful situation, avoiding sensitive details. You heard Draco tsk at you.

"You just need someone who treats you right." He wiped the tear away from your face. You blushed and took a moment to look at the sky.

A light blue was thrown into the collision of colors and you gasped at the beauty. You saw your breath in the cold air and realized how cold it was.

"How is it that you're always here when I have troubles?" You laughed a little and so did he.

"I come every morning actually. I find it peaceful." He looked out to the horizon too.

"Y/n, I know you have eyes out for someone else, but it seems as though they don't give you the care you deserve. Can you do me the pleasure of accompanying me at the Yule ball?" His voice was nervous and you noticed him fidgeting with his other hand as he said this. You looked up at him curiously and met his eyes.


"Of course. I wouldn't joke of such a thing." He blushed.

"But, I'm a Gryffindor." You figured it was part of some joke.

"Oh that doesn't matter. That's just a label. I want to make whoever made you cry wish they hadn't been born." He smiled at you, still red. You knew it wasn't just from the cold. "So?"

"Of course I'll go with you Draco. Thank you so much." You hugged him and he hesitated before hugging you back.

"Ahem." You heard a stubborn, exaggerated cough from behind you. You both turned around and saw Fred's tall figure leaning on the opening into the tower. Draco stood.

"Well, I'll be going now. I'll see you at the event today." Draco winked at you before sliding his way around Fred. Fred made his way towards you and sat next to you, dangling his legs, letting them swing in small circles.

"Care to explain?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You scoffed.

"You want me to explain? Why don't you explain? Since when did you like Angelina?" You questioned him, but he looked away before answering.

"Whoever said that?" He leaned back on his hands and you stared straight towards the slow rising sun.

"I saw you. With her. This morning. I saw her place her hand on your thigh." You looked down at the ground below.

"Maybe I do. But you and Draco? Why were you hugging him anyways? He's a stupid Slytherin." He said this with exasperation.

"He asked me to the ball. And he's not stupid. He's quite nice." Fred suddenly leaned forwards and you stared him straight in his eyes. He looked almost hurt by your words, but you had no room for sympathy.

"He asked you to the ball?! Well you said no of course! Right?!" He started raising his voice, slightly below a yell. Now it was your turn to be hurt by his words.

"No in fact! I said yes! It's not like I'll have any other boys runny to me, actually wanting to have me on his arm, instead of a last minute resort!" You yelled back and stood, walking away. You couldn't stand to look Fred in the eyes. You were afraid of crying again.

He grabbed your wand before you got away and pulled you to him.

"How do you know that?! Someone could have wanted to take you!" He was now fully yelling, almost scaring you. You were trying to compose yourself. The tears threatened you, daring you to let them fall. But you continued to refuse.

"Who?! Tell me who!! Just name one person, Fred!! Because I can't think of anyone!! And don't you dare say you would!! I know it would only be out of pity for me!!" You yelled this and tore your hand away from him, leaving him to stand there alone.

You went down the stairs as fast as you could, and as soon as your feet hit the bottom of the staircase you ran. Your tears now fully flowing, and your heart was pumping at a hundred miles a minute.

You ran and ran, heading towards the Gryffindor common room. You ran through the portrait. You felt as though today you were always running.

You found yourself bumping into something and tripping onto the floor.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

Hellooooo! I'm having fun writing this!

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