stressed! white x Reader

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Everyone was having a dance party in the cafeteria, all the crewmates, except for white. You weren't suspicious of that because he was a busy man checking the cams and the fuel engines or something. Maybe a plan to attack us? Maybe, maybe not. However it was pretty strange for him to not join considering he was part of the crew. You almost felt a bit bad, you saw how Black and Red

were wrestling, pink was talking to purple, yellow Lime and green were chugging down juice, cyan, Blue, Orange and Brown were betting with cards. You sighed, Blue looks at you and asks " Grey? What's the matter? What's wrong? You don't look like you're having fun " He says as you looked over at him, you leaned on the table where the food was and replied with a shaky smile " Uhh haha I'm just a bit

concerned about... " You scratched the back of your head " about white hm? " Orange asked. You nodded and looked away " Don't worry about him he'll be fine, he's always been this way " Brown said with a monotone voice " he'll come around Grey don't worry! " Cyan said and then smiled. You sighed in relief and nodded and decided to go the bathroom. You walked through the corridor and was about to

enter however you saw something flicker, a light. You saw it lead to down stairs, you were a bit curious so you decided to go peak to what was there. You peaked your head and saw White, he was kneeling on the floor, clipboard on the floor, pens scattered and broken glass. You gasped and asked " White? Are you ok? " You asked sorry holding the rails. White immediately turned around and looked at you

with a worried shocked face. " what the fuc* are you doing here Greg " He asked, his words full of frustration. You were taken aback, a ball in your throat started to form. " I just wanted to make sure if you were Ok. You weren't upstairs with everyone, so I wanted to see what you were doing " You said softly. His eyes furrowed as he tsked and looked

away and back at the floor " what happened here? Are you alright? " you asked and started to walk down to him. He didn't say a word, you then touched his shoulder, to which he snapped at you, " Don't goddamn touch me! " he yelled, he then turned around and got up and pushed you, so hard you flew to the other side of the wall. You hit the wall and it
made a loud thud, you groaned slightly in pain,

feeling your head start to bruise. White looks at you
In shock, feeling of regret flooding his head, you groan softly, you then looked up at him, tears then flowing in your eyes, as you tried to get up and walk back upstairs. He rushed up to you, and was about to put you in his lap " Grey, oh my goodness I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that. Please I
didn't mean to hurt you " He panicked. Tears filling
his eyes. You slightly push them away, not saying a

word. You weren't angry with him, but rather shocked at his action. " Please Grey, I am so so sorry, please let me help you " He said as you then looked at him and saw regret, fear, sadness, pain and many other things in his eyes and face. You nodded while shaking, he pulls you in his lap as you held onto him
" Oh Grey, please forgive me I didn't mean to do
that. I'm so sorry... " he said as he started to cry. He

held you tight, luckily, there was no blood or damage to your suit or ship. However, you knew that a few bruises will start to appear " It's ok White, don't worry, I know you didn't mean to " You said and the smiled. " I care about you so much, I'm so sorry I did that... " He said as you opened his helmet and wiped his tears, you opened yours and kissed his cheek. He blushed and then asked " W-Why did you do that? "
He said quietly while blushing hard, " it seems that you're worrying too much. I know you're the captain

and you are the leader of our crew. But you deserve to have fun and relax as well. A captain or leader cannot function properly if they always have an unhappy aura " You said and looked him with desperate eyes " Please white, how about you carry me and get me a few ice packs and we can go have fun with everyone" You smiled as he Nodded. He carried you back up and for the rest of the time, you had fun with everyone. White not being able to keep his eyes off you, whilst having red flushed cheeks.

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