Restless! Yellow x reader

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You were up in the middle of sleep time because you couldn't fall asleep, so you decided to walk around the ship to take your mind off trying to sleep and to get tired by exploring. You all shared the same room, many beds, and many cabinets full of clothes and personal supplies. As you held the door that opened the path way between the cafeteria and bedroom, you saw all of the crew mates asleep, for the first
You so white in his bed, all tucked in comfortably.

You look around the whole room again, happily, saying that everyone was sleeping and was safe and sound, a small night light near the door on the wall, so everybody could feel safe in their dreams. You say quietly and close the door calmly, as you turned on one of the lights to the cafeteria. You decided not to turn all of them on, you went to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice and poured it into a glass, he said back down on the table and watched the galaxies from the window upfront.

It was a nice view, having a cafeteria right next to a Kitchen that had the biggest window in the ship that showed the beautiful stars and galaxies. Well, you were busy night dreaming you then felt the presence nearby, it worried you for some reason, as you then quietly got up from the table, you look behind you to see somebody shadow peering from the corner. You quietly gulped as you then started to tiptoe to the corner, you took in a confidence, breath and peaked. It was yellow. You were quite surprised why he was up so late, maybe perhaps he couldn't sleep as well.

You thought in your head, you saw he had a bag full of supplies, you could see inside. There were books, stationary supplies, food, and a teddy bear, such a random objects. As you were looking into the bag, you saw him, then turn around. You were too busy focusing on what was in the bag that you didn't notice that he noticed you " Ahhh Grey?!!! " he yelled out loud as his body shifted into a shocked yet defense stance. " Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you!! Yellow what are you doing here??! " you asked in a panic tone.

" Me??!! I should be asking you the same question! You're the one who's sneak up on me so you tell me why you're here first!!! " he says he then crossed his arms. You sighed and complied, " well, I couldn't really sleep last night. I'm not sure why, but I decided to just relax in the cafeteria while watching the stars, but then I heard footsteps, and I thought someone was near me. And when I looked behind, I saw a shadow and so I decided to see what it was and so it was you. " you said softly, then rubbing the back of your head while smiling awkwardly. " Oh I see, " He said not knowing what to say, he scratched the

Back of his head and looked away " Yellow.... What do you have inside that bag? Why is there so many things? " You asked pointing at the bag on the floor. His cheeks turned red as he started to feel embarrassment " well you see I, I just like to have things, i usually brings stuff with me when I can't sleep, it makes me feel better, I don't know why x it usually just- " His voice starts to shake more, it almost looked like he was about to cry. You move closer to him and hold him by his shoulders " Yellow, talk to me, you don't need to be embarrassed about this, I'm not going to judge you. You know that right?

Who you are and what you like makes you perfect " You said softly. He stands there in silence, wide eyed, he then looked at you, red blush on his cheeks, he suddenly feels the wave of relief and safety wash over him. " Well, I can't sleep. I bring stuff like food and stationary supplies with me so I can draw and eat, it helps relaxes me " He said, his voice getting softer. You couldn't help but blush and smile brightly " That's so sweet, how interesting, do you mind if I join you? " You asked happily. He looked at you, still processing what you had just said while tilting his head. You take your hands off his shoulders,

" w-well I mean if that's alright, I don't mind if you say no. I can't respect if you want to be alon- " He interrupted you as you looked down the floor feeling a bit embarrassed for being so intrigued. " I'd love that " He says softly, you looked at him surprised but happy. He was still processing everything that had been said, including his own words and responses, but his face remained calm and sweet, a warm look, with red cheeks. " really? Thank you Yellow...yellow? " You smiled then called his name. He shook his head as he then said " Well um where do you want to

Draw? " He asked trying to remain calm. " Uhh well, I usually stay in this one spot where it's really comfy and peaceful. Let me show you! " You said happily. He picked up his bag as you held his hand, guiding him to where it was. He looked at your hand holding his, he gulped, he had never been so shy with someone before. After a minute or 2 you and him were finally there, there was a medium yet big window and a long window seat with a pillow (search up for more visual) You smiled widely and
Sat on it, " this is where I usually go when I

Can't sleep " You say softly then looking out the window, he was so amazed at the area and view, how could he not have noticed or found this part of the ship before, he wondered to himself. He placed the bag on the floor and sat next to you, " isn't it beautiful? " You asked leaning against the window. Yellow looked out " Yes it is, thank you Grey " He said as you looked at him confused " for showing me how beautiful it is here. He smiled while blushing, you blushed even more " Of course Yellow, now here

Let's draw something, you pulled something bout his bag and accidentally grabbed his teddy bear. He snatched it away from you and his it behind his back, looking away embarrassed, you smiled and moved closer to him, laying down but not touching him " No need to feel shameful yellow " You said in a soothing voice to which he looks at you nervously the pulls the teddy bear from his back and placed it next to him. You giggled. He smiled and reached into his bag and and found a sticky note pad, you then yawned but

Then said " Oh I got an idea!! Give me a Grey marker! " you said as he then grabbed one from his bag. He hands you one as you grabbed a sticky note and drew and colored a heart, you then lightly placed it on the side of his helmet to which he blushed. You smiled and then yawned again " Feeling tired already Grey? " Yellow asked in a quietly as you then nodded. " should I carry you back to the room? " He asked " No no... I like it here, are you tired? " you basically whispered. He nods slowly " would you like me to walk you back to the room? " You asked

As he shook his head " are you comfortable? " he asked while blushing " kind of but it's alright " you said and looked deep in his eyes " well I don't mind if you sleep on me.... " he said softly, you blushed hard and covered your face " is that alright with you? " you asked shyly. He moves your hands slowly away from your face, he moves closer to you the lays back and pulls you in, to where you laid on him. It was nice, you felt your heart beat fast but slowly relaxed when he started to gently rub your back. You hugged him right, he grabbed a yellow pen from his bag and drew and colored a heart on a sticky note

To where he placed on the side of your helmet. He then noticed you had fallen asleep, he dropped the pen and sticky note pad to which they fell back inside the bag. He could feel how gently but closely you were hugging him, he hugged you back, slowly he closed his eyes. He wanted this moment to last forever, it felt so nice to cuddle with you, hold, and touch you, he feels his heart racing with warmth and love, he finally yawns, slowly rubbing your back once more, holding you close. He feels his body relax and slowly fall into sleep, however his heart still lightly beating fast from you holding him, he loved every second of it.

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