Jealous! Black x Reader

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You were walking around the ship looking for the next task to do. You followed the yellow arrow to where it had guided you and realized it was the electrical room, you groaned when you saw the arrow point at your next task. It was the one you hated and never could do quick, it was the calibrator distributor where you had to wait for the square piece to move around in a circle and at the right time hit the button when it lands on the correct line. You always failed and had to restart,

This caused anxiety and fear but you could do it. Just very slowly, you didn't realize you were in the room with Blue as he was fixing the wires, you begun your task and kept failing. Meanwhile Blue had finished his task and heard the noises of failure or incorrect tries " Ughhhhhhh " you groaned in annoyance " Hey Grey? Do you need some help? " He asked as you smiled and sighed " You know that's against the rules, its impossible for you to complete my task.

If it's done by you, the result would be that the task would be completed  only for you, and not for me since it wasn't by me who completed for myself, you get it. And uhh, how can you even try if you don't need to do my task? " You asked as he laughed " Oh Grey, you take things to seriously sometimes, I'll tell you how to do it. I won't do it for you, silly " he said as you laughed in embarrassment and wiped your helmet " Oh yeah sorry! My bad....... " You said and changed your tone " No problem, anyways you

Have to wait for the right moment when the piece that is going around in circles has almost reached the line and before that you click it just as it meets the line- " he explains as you tried again and again, meanwhile Black was coming to electrical room and entered the entrance and saw Blue helping you with a task, he saw how close he was to you and felt a little uneasy about that. You failed once but when you tried again with the support of your friend Blue,

You completed your task and smiled in joy " YAY!! I did it!!! " You said and jumped up and down. " Well done!! " Blue says as he claps his hands, you immediately hugged him tight, him being shocked as you snuggled your head in his neck " Mm~ I couldn't have done it better and faster without you~ " you said softly as he blushed and hugged you back. You let go as he looked away and sweated while rubbing his head and said " Well Grey, it was nice helping you but I have to continue to complete my next task. I'll see you later!! "

He said as you smiled seeing him leave the electrical room while waving at eachother and saying goodbye. in the corner of your eye you realized black was watching all this time leaning on the wall with his arms crossed and looking at you intimidatingly, all of a sudden just as soon as you were about to speak the door had shut and closed tight. Leaving you with Black, he looked at you and got off the wall and walked closer and closer " Oh, h-hey Black

I didn't k-know you w-were in here " you said as you hit the wall behind you, him hovering over you, his arm over your head while his face was close to yours " You're trembling " he said " Go on do it!! You're the imposter aren't you!! So kill me..... " You said and closed your eyes tight and held your arms as he raised his eyebrow in confusion " I'm not but that's not all why I'm threatening you " he said as you looked up and asked " What do you mean? What did I do??? " You asked

As he laughed and held your right arm tightly and said quietly in a sharp tone " you were talking to Blue. Don't act like you weren't acting all lovey-Dovey with him, you are always like this when with him!! " He said " I wasn't doing any of that, I promise, I was just great ful that he helped me- " He slammed the wall and said " And you didn't ask me?! " He said as you sighed and felt yourself become hotter " I didn't see you Black I'm sorry. But, please stop being so jealous " you said as he pulled away and
Growled " I'm not jealous " he said as

you smiled and went over to him and stroked his chest. He blushed hard and harshly grabbed your wrist and said " Stop that " he said as you disobeyed and did so with the other hand and stroked and explored his whole front chest as he lets go of your other wrist. You sighed in relief as you came closer, him in-reflex wrapped his arms and hands around your small waist and body as you pulled him in for a hug " i love you " you said as he picked you up and hugged you " Ugh I love.. you as well " he smiled and puts you down, looking below to see the one he deared most.

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