Sarcastic! Blue x reader

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You were in the hall way walking down to a room. The electrical room, it was your next task and that everyday you had to make sure everything was in place, in order, wasn't dusty and making sure all the wires were not broken or snapped. You pressed the red button and it opened the door. It was again somehow all a mess somehow, you sighed and grabbed a brook that was leaning on the side of the wall and started to dust the floor.

After a few minutes of cleaning it was all done and ready, you sighed In relief and opened an electrical cabinet. It was all messed up, you were a bit confused since you had just wired them properly a week ago. You sighed and started to undo and fix the wires again. Suddenly the door behind you opened and closed, you were too busy to see what it was that you didn't realize someone was standing behind you. A cough brought

You back to notice your surroundings as you then turned around to see, Blue. You were a bit surprised and fell backwards and straight into the wiring cabinet, causing you to be tangeled in them. All of a sudden you hear white yell across the other side of the ship " Are you kidding me?!?!! The lights are out!!!! Where in the goddamn is the exist!!! " he yelled as he then tripped over causing a loud sound to echo through the whole ship.

Blue started busting out laughing as you then closed your eyes and breathed in a hugd breathe, trying not to laugh as well as feel guilty for the cause of White's incident. You heard lime and Brown laugh and talk out loud to where white was to go help him out. You sighed in relief " You gonna help me Butt face??!! Or stand there knowing damn well you caused this!! " You yelled but not in an angry manner. Blue smiled and crossed his

Arms " should I help you? Or should I just let you suffer the domino effect of what I've caused? " He then holds his arms tighter trying not to busy out laughing again " Uhhhh what?!?!!? Help me Dingus!!! " You said then smiled and chuckled. Blue then sat down on the floor " Nah~ " he said then vrinned causing you to blush. " Why in the world would you sneak and jump me like that?!?! " You said then trying to move and get out of the wires which caused a few rubber

Marks on your suit " It wasn't my fault Grey!! I opened the door and expected you to turn around and say something!! Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings~ " He flips his hands around and then crosses his legs, resting his chin on the palm of his hand that was resting on his knee. Blush and a smirk painted his face, you somehow felt a bit flustered and turned away " well sorry I guess. But still, next time say
something instead of walking behind

my back.. now you gonna help me?? "
You said softly as he then changes his facial expression, he gets up and says " well why should I? You're being sassy with me " he says like tsundere and crossed his arms, closing his eyes, his face away from you. You sigh then smiled " alright alright, I'll stop now. Pease help me Blue? You have a sweet heart don't you?~ " you said softly then changed your tone to a more flirtatious one, blush and smirk on your face. He looks at you, red all over his face, ' so that's how you wanna play? He thought to himself

He looks at you and says " alright darling~ " He says and then comes closer to you. Blush all over your face, you were too stunned to what he had said that you didn't notice in time that he was about to trip over wire. " W-wait! Blue, watch out for the wir- " it was too late as he then tripped over and straight into you. His face landing on your boobs, you squealed silently as he then realized he was stuck in this position too. " b-blue? Are you ok? " You said calmly, trying not to panic.

Lucikly he could move his chin, he looks at you, not wanting to but that was the only way he could avoid direct position from your chest. Now his chin was laying in between, blush all over his face from embarrassment. He refused to look at you in the eyes " Bluee? " You asked again calmly. " I'm fine, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this. I was just playing around, I wanted to ask you. I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me to

The shields room because I was having trouble. Instead of being proper I decided to just make a laugh with you, I'm sorry. Now we're stuck here " He said then looked away, resting on your chest. You didn't mind whatsoever, you couldn't believe your ears. He was so sincere, genuine and sweet that it made your heart beat. you lightoy shake your head " Oh Blue. Don't worry about it, it's ok, I'm not offended in any way, I'm glad about your honesty. I like how you wanted to laugh with me, I'm happy that You wanted to ask me " You said and smiled

brightly, light blush on your cheeks. He looks at you wide eyed " really? " He asked as you nodded. He could finally relax, he turns his chin to look at you and smiled softly, him laying on one side of his cheek. You felt your body heat up due to one boob being lightly more compressed but in a gentle manner. After a few minutes of laying there you sighed in annoyance " ugh let's get out of this!!! " you yell as Blue groans, was he asleep? " B-blue? " you asked blushing " ahjbswhbmh 5mbore minutsszz " He said sleepily, you looked  At him wide eyed as he then said while nuzzling into your chest " soooo comfy~ " He said then smiled in

his sleep. You lost it, and screamed from being so flustered. He then jolted up " G-Grey?!??? " He yelled as you looked at him with a shy yet angry face. " you were that comfy? " You asked as he rubbed his eye, he tilted his head in confusion but then he blushed hard " Sorry!! Sorry!! Grey " He yelled trying to get out of the wires. " it's alright, wait stop! That won't work " You said as he stopped moving. The door opened and it was White, he sighed tired and
Annoyed " seriously it was you 2?! " he said like a
father. You and Blue started to throw words at him explaining what happened in different ways, White

then yelled " Silence!!! " as you both stopped. He then easily untied you and Blue, you both stood up surprised to how he did it so effortlessly " You're welcome, not a word, I'm tired, don't do this again. Thanks to what happened before I have repairing to do in the storage room " He said then shook his head walking off. You and Blue looked at each other while blushing " Sorry about everything Grey " He said as you smiled and walked to him closer " No need~ I was happy~ " You flirted as he backed away to the wall covering his mouth. " what?~ don't get all shy on me~ " You said as he took a breath in. He closed his eyes and then looked

at you with a smirk " well then~ let's go the shields room?~ and help me out~ " He said trying to play along and hide the sweat on the side of his head. You lightly punched his shoulder and laughed " You bet! " you ran out of there and started to run towards the shield room " Hey! You got a head start no fair!! " He yelled while smiling and started to run after you. You and him laughed and for the rest of the time, you hung out and helped him with his tasks. He tried hard to stop thinking about laying on your chest, how soft and small you were, you caught him smirking and blushing to which he had to always make some excuse, however all he thought was how much he wants to touch, hold and lay on you again.

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