Passionate! Brown x reader

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You were sitting on the chair in the main room, you are busy writing something on a piece of paper, and not knowing what to do. Everybody was busy either completing tasks or taking a nap. The only person who was in the main room besides, you was Brown. You stopped writing for a second and looked over to your crewmate who was holding a shovel and watering can. You are a bit confused to why he was holding such a tools for an activity that was only presumably used on earth.

" watch ya got there' " you asked confused putting the pen down. " oh, just a watering can and shovel " He said, as you raised an eyebrow. " but why? We don't have any soil or dirt or any powder material on the ship that needed those specific tools " you said, and then giggled " Oh, you think you know that " Brown said as he shook his head while smiling " Oh? " you asked turning the chair to face him. He turned around and pulled out a sack full of soil. " oh my.... Where in space did you get that? " you asked.

A tint of shock in your tone " well a while ago, or rather a very long time ago, before we got on the ship. I felt like everyone will no longer be able to connect to the Earth physically. So I decided to bring something from home " he said happily. " but plants need sun. We don't have any natural sunlight in the ship besides artificial lights " you said and disappointment " Artificial lighting, if properly designed, allows plants to be grown indoors in nearly any setting " Brown said in a sophisticated manner.

You giggled and then nodded " Where are you planting anyway? " you smiled. " down in the basement or below the ship, I placed artificial lighting lamps that is designed to grow plants there " He said as he chucked the shovel in the sack " wow that's so cool! when did you start? " you asked excited " yesterday, you seem very interested " he asked a bit curious. " well, I do miss earth. It's very sweet and thoughtful and smart of you to remember such an important sacrifice we all were going to make when leaving earth "

You said, and scratched your head. Brown blushed, he was about to say something when White came in and said " what the hell are you doing with a sack of soil, shovel, and a watering can, seems suspicious ? " white asked in a concerned tone. " Bruh, chill out doc, I brought it from earth, I wanted to do some gardening " He said as White sighed and walked off to another room. " Brown.. of course I'd love to help you " you said, in a soft way. Brown blushed again, but rubbed his cheeks so you couldn't see it fully.

You and him started to walk downstairs and decided to start in the basement. In the room, it already showed a lot of plants being grown, a few seedling starting to sprout " Oh Brown, that's amazing, it's so cool you started to do this, I find it very interesting, and in a way I admire it " you said it looked deep in his eyes. Brown shook his head trying to hide the blush all over his face " thanks, I really like how you are interested in what I do on my free time. I didn't tell anyone before because I was afraid they were going to make fun of me " he said then looked away.

" oh, well, I think they just don't understand or simply aren't familiar with these type of passionate activities that relate close to your heart " you said, as he look deep in your eyes, admiring all the words you said. " well then let's start! " he said happily, as he took out the shovel from the soil and began to feel empty pots. " where are the seeds? " you asked as he pulls out a couple of seed packets from his pocket " which one do you want to choose? " he asked showing you all the packets, fulfilling, your interest, even more. " ooooh let's grow *insert flower name* " you said, as

he smiled. He gave you the packet, you opened it carefully and with your thumb index finger. You carefully place it in the pot full of soil and buried it. Brown grabs the water can full of water, and slowly pours a small amount on the pot. " I love this very much. " you say to yourself not knowing you were talking out loud. Brown looks at you with admiration and blissful shock, you look at him, tilting your head to why he was looking you and that way until you realize what You had just said. You felt red forming in your

cheeks. " Grey.... I just wanted to say thank you so much for helping and caring about the things I do, " he said, then chuckled. " of course, that's just who I am, you're my crewmate or rather good friend to me " he said, as you sat down. He stood back up, slowly walking to the entrance of the door " you're such a sweet person, it's such a shame " he said, as you tilted your head and confusion " too bad you're the one who's going to have their lights out first " he said with a smirk, you gasped in shock, Brown then suddenly locked the door and turned off the lights.

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