Evil! Cyan x reader

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You were in the navigation room and watching the stars, seeing how beautiful space was. It was a beautiful sight, you sighed in calmness as you sat down and continued to gaze the view, it had been an hour or more. You hadn't noticed that something was definitely wrong, you sighed after a few more minutes of relaxing and walked out of the door. Your heart dropped, it was pitch black, everywhere, the hallways were all dark. Only a few specs of light lit parts

Of the hallway, flickering and only lighting a certain area. You felt your heart drop as you heard a scream, it was Pink " Noooo please don't do this!! " As she yelled then screamed. A stab and gut wrenching sound filled the hallway, it was silent again. You walked down a hallway and saw Green on the floor, you felt your heart break, he laid there dead. You shook him trying to see if he would wake up but he didn't, you then started to walk quickly. A door was open, it was open, you looked inside and saw Blue

In the library, dead and bleeding on the bean bag. He didn't move a muscle, you wanted to see what happened to everyone else. Lime and Yellow on the floor in the longest hallway, a few feet apart from each other. Yellow leaning on the wall dead, Lime facing on the ground, dead as well. You ran, and checked every room, O2 room had blood marks everywhere writing ' you're next '. Next room, Weapons, it was empty however there was butterfly knife, you grabbed it and quickly shoved it inside your pocket. You ran down

the hall, shields, Brown laying on the red metal safety bar, his blood everywhere. Next room was communications room, Purple laid on the floor, blood everywhere, dead as well. You felt your heart about to explode with panic and fear, sweat dripping down the side of your face. You ran again, the storage room had blood everywhere, the words ' you're the only one left ' on the walls. You gulped and ran again, down the dark hallways and saw the electrical room open, Pink strangled by wires blood everywhere, he was gone too. You didn't stop for a second

After seeing and ran again, there you saw in the distance, Black leaning on the lower engine blood splattered everywhere. You ran upwards and glanced at the reactor and saw Red laying close to it, his body laying on his side while blood poured from his body. You immediately see the security room and barged inside and saw the television screen, all static and broken. You saw a piece of paper on the desk, you read it as it said ' you can't leave me now ' all in blood. A tear falling down your cheek, you ran out

and saw up ahead, Orange as well laying on the ground next to the upper engine, blood splattered and dead. You ran past, and quickly ran into the Med bay room, you saw White struggling, a feeling of hope made you rush up to him at such speed. " W-white? " You whispered. White was sitting on the floor next to one of the blue bedded, holding his stomach, blood pouring out of him. " G-Grey...... " He said as you held him from the side " what happened?! Please, don't die please, I beg of you, let me help please... " You plead as he Looks at you with peace and hope in his eyes " G- Grey

I'm so sorry, it's only a matter of seconds before I die. You can't help me... " He says as he coughs up blood " Please tell me what happened, please don't die, please " You begged, your voice starting to close up. He holds your cheek with his hand and soothes it by streaking it gently " It was... C-cyan... he did all of this.. we didn't see it coming, I didn't see it coming. I should've known, and looked closer to his behaviors, I'm so sorry Grey.... Please forgive me, i don't want to leave you alone... " He says Pleading for his life to stay with him. You start

crying lightly trying your hardest not to make a sound " G-Grey, please don't cry, you have to kill him. I am so sorry you have to go through this alone... h-he did this while you were in the navigation room correct? " He says trying to hold onto the littlest life he had left. " yes I was in there, I am so sorry, I don't know why I didn't hear anything.. I should've gone out sooner " You said then hitting your own head. White then rubs your head " Don't be that way, the n-navigation room
Is silent for a reason, so that no putter d-disturbance can interrupt the driver's concentration.. he planned

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