Kindhearted! Pink x reader

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You were walking through the corridor and was going to go going to the cafeteria to get some food. Everyone was doing their usual other sleeping doing work or finishing tasks. However, you were on your break and at the time you were very hungry, no one else was around, except pink, you saw her walking through the corridor, and into the cafeteria. She was holding a plant, as her mini crewmate followed her. You had started to eat your toast as you looked again at her. " Oh hi Pink!! How are you? " you asked happily " She ignored you

And continued to walk down and into another room. The door opened as she then handed the potted plant to Brown " Thanks Pink " Brown said while smiling. Pink smiles widely and nods and the walks away to the direction she came out from " Pink? " You asked as she then stood there for a second " what? Grey " Pink says a bit coldly. You looked at her, Toast still in your mouth, you looked down to the table to the left and avoid eye contact. Pink shrugged lightly and then continued to walk down the hallway.

you sigh out loud, you shove the rest of the toast in your mouth and put the plate in the sink. While you were staring out the window that showed the never ending galaxies and stars. You didn't realize you were staring for so long that someone was behind you. You seen the reflection someone standing behind you, as you immediately then turned around. You gasped lightly and saw it was yellow " What's the matter Grey? " He asked concerned as you waved it off. " oh nothing don't worry I'm fine. I was just dazing off, staring into the galaxies " you said

And put on a smile and happy eyes. Yellow nodded as he then walked off. You couldn't seem to get this off your mind., as it stayed with you for most of the day. You started to walk down the hall way, you wanted to go to the back to explore more of the shop and maybe go to the computer room. However on your way you saw something near on the windows, it was the main window in the hall way, it was the big one. You were curious because you started to hear rattles on it, you came closer and closer, you saw

The window not being full shut, as you were about to close it properly all of a sudden it flung open. You screamed as you were about to be flung into the voids of space. Luckily the space wasn't moving however the pull of being sucked out was always going to be a possibility. Since you didn't turn on your air tank, you felt yourself panic even more, there was absolutely no way you could get back in yourself. You screamed all you could, hoping your
Crew mates could hear you, tears flooding your eyes

Blurring your vision. As you felt your grip weaken due to the strong force. Your hand slipper however another hand was there to grab yours, you shook your head and saw. pink, you sobbed, you didn't understand why out of all crew mates that she would be here being the one saving you. " Don't worry Grey! I'm here I won't let go " She screamed, you saw a few tears in her eyes. Tears of desperation, frustration, panic, and worry, all of a sudden you saw everyone. Pink held your hands tight as you held

Hers, you saw Purple, Blue, Red and Orange holding her. Black, Brown, Lime, and Green holding the window trying to pull it. White, Red and Cyan on the side ready. They all had something around their waste preventing them from being sucked out however the force was strong enough for them to accidentally keep getting closer to the edge and off the ship. Pink pulled you tighter and tighter as you desperately tried kicking your way in, everyone now pulled together harder and harder to the point you

Finally got back in the ship. White, Red and Cyan pulling the door closed. You fell toward and so did pink and everyone else who clung to her fell backwards. You crash into Pink's lap, you rubbed your head and looked up to see Pink's cheeks being slightly red, you shook your head and immediately got up. " Grey?! What in the world happened??!??!" He said about to scream at you angrily " White don't speak to her that way, I'm very sure she didn't or didn't mean to cause this " Pink said sternly, making

Everyone a bit shocked, White cleared his throat, " Please I'm sure she didn't mean to Doc " Green said " let's hear her out first " Orange said then crossed his arms while looking at the window. " Grey? Would you please " White said as he looks at you coldly. You started to shake, " w-well I was walking down the hallway and was about to go the computer room when I heard rattling in the window, I came closer and realized it wasn't shut properly. I know how to shut it properly however as soon as I was about

To do the procedure it busted open, I didn't even touch the window, it just opened " You said as a few tears started to form in your eyes. White looked at you as he felt his expression change into guilt, he regrets speaking harshly towards you " at least no one is hurt " Lime said quietly filling the few seconds of silence. " Grey I apologize for raising my voice. Thank you for explaining, I will work on this window, and see why it wasn't shut properly " He said with a soft tone. You nodded " I'm so sorry "

You said as you tried to keep it together. Pink touched your hand, " it's not your fault Grey, this was just an accident from the ship, unfortunately at the time you were very close to it " She said softly then smiled at you " P-Pink how did you, how did you know I was there? Could you hear me? " You said curiously. " My mini crew mate said to me that she felt something was wrong, and when I listened to her I could also feel it. And at the time I felt the sudden presence of disaster about to occur I heard that blast, a blast of something being

Burst open " She said as everyone listened curiously. " Did everyone else hear it or me screaming? " You asked quietly. " Unfortunately no body can hear anyone if you're in the force of a gravitational pull or sudden force, there is sound when something is being sucked or blasted out from something. It silent the screams, because the decibels are much more great. And for that I heard the blast first because

I was the closet, but with the intensity of that blast I'm sure everyone heard it. I screamed at everyone to get over here and quickly put on their gravity pressure belts. " She explained as you felt yourself be more calm. " T-thank you, everyone, I owe all of you, especially you Pink, a big one " You say as everyone just silently chuckled. " Oh Grey don't be so silly! We're your crew mates and your friends, it's our job to make sure that everyone is safe and that the care of each other comes from our bonding of friendship. Don't worry about it " She said happily as you smiled.

" now will all of you please leave this area, I would to like to examine the window " White says calmly. Everyone nodded, some went to their rooms, some went to the kitchen and some went to do more tasks. You were now alone with Pink in another hallway, heading towards the cafeteria. " Pink? " You asked " Yes Grey? " she smiled at you " Why did you help me? I thought you didn't like me " You said sadly. She then stopped " what?! Are you crazy? Of course I like you! I can see where you're coming from, I'm sorry I responded coldly to you an hour ago, I was just tired and my mini crew mate kept

Asking me way too many questions, heh, they're like babies or young children, and besides you're really the only female here to keep my company hehe " She said then blushed " haha. No it's ok, I understand.. do you want to eat lunch in the cafeteria? " You asked happily. She nodded excited, and for the rest of the time, you and Pink hung out, ate food in the cafeteria. Mostly sweets and explored more of the ship, talked about interests, and were doing tasks that you both had a hard time with. It was great, you were very glad you now knew that she liked you, it was nice to have another female company.

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