5. I Love You

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"KAITO!!" I yelled as he blocked the poisonous arrow I intended to shoot at Kokichi.

I yelled running to his side as he fell down.

"B-Because Maki...then you'll be the culprit."

"N-No! I-I'll go get the antidote! S-Stay here!!" I shouted running off and leaving in a panic. I had words repeating in my head over and over again.

'You were supposed to save him not hurt him. He has to live. You love him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him.

Save him you failure'

I grabbed the antidote quickly and rushed back to where I had left Kaito but he wasn't there. Kokichi was gone as well before I heard them in where Kaito had been kept locked before. I tried the door but it was locked. I ran back to the window by the bathroom and saw Kaito there tackling Kokichi.

As Kaito got on top I quickly yelled at him and threw the bottle in. Just as he was about to drink it Kokichi shoved him and got a hold of the bottle.

"No!!" I shouted while he just laughed.

"Wow Maki, guess you'll be the culprit~ good luck at the class trial tomorrow~ I'll see you there!" 

"No!! Kaito! I'll get you out of there alive! I-I promise!!" I shouted looking for a way in.

But soon, the sun was rising, and I was too late.


"I-I killed Kaito." I confessed.

I admitted to everything that had happened the previous night. I held back the tears that wanted to fall. That's all I really am huh? A killer and a failure.

I couldn't even save him.

I felt my world crumble just thinking about what Kaito's final moments were like. And how much he probably hates me. I didn't bother listening to anyone anymore. I just wanted to see Kaito again, I missed him so much.

But I'm the one who killed him.

I deserve this execution.

I deserve to die.

"But...that doesn't explain what happened after you left. Like why Koikichi's clothes were in the toliet-"

"It doesn't matter what happened! I know I killed Kaito! I just wanted to make myself believe I didn't, but I know I did. So just vote me as the blackened already!"

"What if Kokichi had pretended to drink it?"

My eyes widened as I heard those words.

I want to believe it. But, that couldn't be true. I saw with my own eyes-

"When he finished drinking the bottle was it empty of full Maki?" Kiibo asked me.

At the time, I was too worried about Kaito, but...

"It was...full."

"Then it's still possible Kaito's in there!" Himiko shouted pointing at the exisal.

It's possible he's still alive..?

I...want this truth.


Shuichi hesitated for a moment before he spoke up.
"No, it's definitely Kokichi in there."

"What? But all of the evidence points to Kaito being alive right?"

"I messed up! Sorry about that...but trust me. Kaito is dead-"

"Stop it." It was Kaito's voice and as we looked as we looked over at the exial, it opened.

And it was Kaito.

"K-Kaito!!" I shouted seeing him. I had to hold in my tears, before I realized another truth.

"Shuichi you have it wrong, I'm the culprit! So make sure you all vote me! Let's start this voting time!"

If he's the culprit, it means he'll be executed.


I hesitated before voting for Kaito. He would be mad if I voted myself.

"Phuhuhuhu~ you've got it right! Kaito Momota the Ultimate Astronaut is the blackened!!"

"I knew you guys would get it right!!" He said before he noticed us all upset. Of course we were, of course I was.

"W-Why...? Kaito why?" I asked looking at him. He looked to the side before explaining everything with Kokichi.

"You all seem so full of despair~ just imagine his execution-"

"No. Shut up."

I interrupted.

"Maki roll?"

"K-Kaito, this is...ever since you defended me in the 2nd class trial I had this feeling...a-and I didn't wanna believe in it. I-I thought you would just leave me like everyone else had. But...you didn't...and you made me fall for you. And for you to just leave me?! I-I can't let it happen. I can't fail again! I need you here!"

Tears were flowing down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. Kaito smiled at me with a chuckle.

"Maki roll..." he said opening his arms. I instantly ran to him hugging him as tight as possible wanting to hold him for ever.
"Just remember I'll always be with you okay? So you won't be alone! Stay happy for me." He said taking his coat off and wrapping it around me.

I just cried more.

"So sad, but guess what time it is!"


"Maki roll."

I looked up at Kaito who smiled at me again.
"You'll be okay, I promise."

He wiped away my tears even though they came back immediately. He looked at monokuma.
"Bring it on!"

"It's punishment time!~"

As he was taken to his execution I sobbed more holding his coat tightly around me. And just before it started, he gave everyone a thumbs up.

"Kaito..." I whispered half hoping he would whisper back to me. But he didn't.

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