chapter 8: plans

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chapter 8:

"Okay, okay." I softly laughed, "It tickles!"

"You're just so cute." He chuckled and stopped kissing my neck.

"The baby shouldn't see this." I pouted.

"Fine, fine." He gave in and laid down on the bed.

I snuggled next to him. Lately, I've been forgetting Eustass. He barely passes through my head. I haven't felt this happy in a while. I don't have to worry about coming home to someone angry or having to worry about being locked inside a basement. It's been peaceful living with Torao. As long as the baby is safe I'm comfortable.

We agreed that if the baby is a boy it's going to be Chopper and if it's a girl it's Otama. I'm only six months pregnant, we were thinking of getting an ultrasound to find out the gender but Torao said it wouldn't be one hundred percent accurate though.

Mainly we've been staying home, sometimes we'd go on a walk or go to the mall. I can't exercise or dance like I used to. I can't move that much cause of the baby. As much as I love it, I just want it out of my body sometimes. Out of nowhere I could feel nauseous and throw up all the good food Torao has given me.

Its sucks when he makes my favorite food and I throw it all up. Torao is very gentle though with me, he would help me with my stomach aches, make my food, and go out shopping with me. I have to wear more oversized clothes now since the bump has gotten bigger.

"Here's your food Luffy-ya." Total set down a tray with curry and freshly cooked white rice.

"I could've helped y'know." I smiled.

"Nah, I want you to rest and have an easy pregnancy." He sat down beside me.

I sighed, "Let's hope I don't throw up this breakfast."

"Don't worry, " He kissed my forehead, "It's going to get better."

"B-But you've given me so much good food." I sniffled, "And I keep throwing up."

He kissed my forehead and laughed a little, "It's okay Luffy-ya, that's what being pregnant is like."

"Hmph!" I pouted, "I don't like it."

Then that sick feeling roared inside of me. Immediately I dropped the spoon and ran for the bathroom. I hurled all the food I had just ate. Before I got pregnant I thought it was going to be a piece of cake. I thought it would just be eating a lot of good food and resting all day. But no it's literal hell.

"Wah!" I cried, "I can't do this anymore! I give up!"

"Hey," He wiped my mouth with a towel, "It's going to alright."

"That's easy for you to say! You're not growing a large bump in your stomach and carrying a live human being!" I yelled but then blushed, "Sorry for shouting..."

"It's okay, let's get you back into bed. I'll prepare you a nice warm bath while you wait." Torao softly smiled while I brushed my teeth.

"Thank you..." I mumbled and laid back into bed.

He filled the bath with warm water and soap, the soap formed large bubbles that almost spilled out of the bath. I wobbled in and sat down in the water as it soaked my body.

"Can you..." I blushed, "Scrub my back?"

"Sure." He smiled as he began to wash it.

It was pleasant when he would help me out with my back pains and stomach pains. As much as I hate throwing up, he has made this time easier. If it were Eustass he'd probably throw me in the basement for complaining too much.

"Torao..." I paused, "Thank you for everything."

"No problem Luffy-ya." He smiled and kissed my soaked head.

There it is again, my heart started to race. I told Torao that I loved him, but it feels so wrong too. I'm already kind of dating someone, but I just feel more for Torao. It's like a breath of fresh air when I'm with him.

"Torao..." I mumbled, "I think..."

"Hm? What is it?" He asked.

I blushed, "I think... I wanna go out with you."

"What?!" His face reddened as he sprang up.

"I was just thinking," I flushed, "I really like you... I know it's horrible of me to like someone when I'm kind of dating someone else but-"

His lips crashed into mine, I blushed as he touched my wet bareback. I wrapped my soaked arms around him, drenching his shirt in the process. He cupped my blushing cheek and pulled away.

"I'm so glad you feel that way." He smiled, "I've been wanting to ask you out as well, but I knew your situation. I just didn't know how to bring it up."

"Torao." I giggled, "You're so cute."

"Nah," He kissed my forehead, "You're way cuter."

I wrapped myself in a towel as Torao gave me fresh pajamas. I changed into them, they were made of silk and gently touched my pale skin. Torao began to put on his jacket and hat that he always wears.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To but some stuff at the mall. Y'know for the baby." He replied.

"I could come with you."

"No, it's fine. You need to rest, I already have a heating pad on the bed to help with your cramps and I've made chicken noodle soup in the kitchen." He kissed my forehead, "I'll be back in an hour."

"Okay, bye." I pouted.

I wanted to go shopping for the baby as well, but I know if I move a lot I'll probably start throwing up everywhere. I sighed as Torao left the apartment. It's lonely being by myself.

Laying on the bed, I wrapped myself in warm blankets and put a heating pad on my back to help with the pain. Honestly, carrying a child in here is so annoying.


Torao walked in with a bunch of shopping bags that hung from his arms. I opened my eyes and yawned, I sat up. Looking at all the stuff he bought. He got diapers, a crib, blankets, and clothes for it.

"I was thinking we'd change my guest room to the baby's room." He told me, "What do you think?"

"I think that sounds nice." I smiled.

I got up but then felt a movement in my stomach, I fell to my knees. It felt like the baby just kicked me.

"It fucking moved!" I yelled from the sudden feeling.

"What?!" Torao came running to me.

"I just felt it kick me." I clutched on to my stomach, "It... just started to squirm around."

"Do you mind if I feel?" Torao asked.

I nodded and sat down on the bed, Torao rested his head against my stomach. I blushed as I felt it move around again.

"We're having a baby!" Torao grinned proudly and hugged me.

I smiled, "Torao!"

"Sorry, I just got a bit excited." He chuckled softly and laid next to me.

"I'm happy that you're the father," I confessed.

"I'm happy I got to meet you." He kissed my cheek.

"The baby is going to be due soon," I mumbled and felt my stomach.

"Yeah, in about three months." He put his hand over mine, "Our baby will be born."

"Yeah," I kissed him on the lips, "Our child..."

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