chapter 4: mistake

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chapter 4:

It's been about a month since the accident with Law happened. We've just been ignoring each other I guess. When we dance we stay silent and do what we have to do. Then we partway, there's been many times where he has tried to talk to me but I just tell him I want space.

Ugh, why did he have come back into my life? I clutched on to my stomach, a nauseous feeling appeared in me. I ran to the toilet and threw up, did I eat something bad?

"Hey, are you okay?" Eustass sat beside me.

"Yeah, just a little sick I guess." I panted.

"Wanna go to the hospital?" He asked running my back, "I'll start the car."

"No it's fine, I'm okay now." I softly smiled.

"If you say so," He got up, "Killer and the rest of the gang are going on a vacation and I'm coming with. Are you gonna be okay by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'll be just fine." I smiled.

"I'll see you in a week," He kissed me on the forehead, "I love you."

"Bye!" I waved and he left.

Holy shit, this cannot be happening.

Am I pregnant?

No, no, no! That makes everything worse! I'm not ready to be a mother yet! Childbirth is painful, and what about Law?! Is he even willing to take on the role of being a father? I felt dizzy and tired, I collapsed on the couch.

It said pregnancy symptoms come in 3-6 weeks. Shit, it's been a month since we did it. What if I am pregnant? Maybe I'm just sick, maybe I ate something bad.

Did we even use protection?! I rubbed my forehead, so many thoughts and worries flooded through me. I felt my small stomach, if I am pregnant this will be the worst nine months ever.

I searched up the first signs of a baby bump will appear, it said around twelve weeks. So I have twelve fucking weeks until I get a bump in my stomach. I have to find Law...

I walked to the dance studio, I had called in sick earlier but I need to speak to him. It will calm me down to know if we did use protection, then maybe I truly am sick.

"I thought you called in sick Luffy?" Viola asked.

"I am sick, but I just need to talk to Law just for a few minutes," I begged.

She nodded, "Of course, he's right there."

I spotted Law on his phone and drinking water. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Luffy-ya?" He asked.

"We need to talk now!" I yelled.

We went outside of the studio, it was frigid and windy. I sat down at one of the park benches nearby, he sat down next to me.

"What's the matter?"

"Did.. we use protection when we did it?" I asked shaking.

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