«─── « ⋅ʚ Sober ɞ⋅ » ───»

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September 7, 2019

Taehyung's POV

The night was in full swing as drinks were poured. Everyone had their drink of choice clinking their cups together with a cheer. Nari had no problem keeping up with the boys and was having a blast. It was funny how she ganged up with Jungkook to mess with Jimin, she wasn't one to stay quiet when she was teased always biting back with a funny remark. Throughout the night I checked up on her to make sure she wasn't regretting her decision, but hours passed, and she was rock solid not budging in the slightest. Finally, after hours of drinking Jimin gave up and I couldn't be more relieved because it was getting late and I was getting tired. It was fun being around the mess I call brothers, yet it was too much, especially when Jungkook, Hoseok, and Yoongi had left. They left me in the middle of a battlefield between Jimin and Nari neither of them backing down for the longest time, but, alas, Jimin waved the white flag.

Dropping a mumbling Jimin into the bed, I helped him get his jeans off seeing as he was doing it like a child and might kick something to the floor or he himself might fall and hurt himself. He kept talking to himself under his breath about a guy named Jeremy or whatever. I ignored him trying to quicken the process since I had to take Nari back to her dorm. After fluffing up his pillows he fell onto the bed and cuddled himself up to the bed covers. Hoseok was fast asleep on the other bed I wasn't worried about waking him up, he was a deep sleeper and the alcohol reinforced that.

Startling me Jimin sat up and exclaimed, "Happy New Year!"

"Jimin-ssi, it's September."

"Oh," he mumbled, his eyes barely open and bleary.

He flopped on the pillows again, this time yawning out a, "Happy Birthday Namjoon."

"Not quite yet buddy," I chuckled at his 'enthusiasm'.

Before walking out of the room, I made sure he had some water and had a bucket beside his bed just in case his stomach doesn't agree with the surplus amount of alcohol in his system.

"Okay, let's take you home," I called out to Nari.

"I can't get up," Her voice slurred from the couch yet I didn't see her from where I stood. Going round the sofa I saw the upper half of her body plopped on her side.

"What?" I asked her confused, crouching down to her level.

"If I get up, I will fall to the ground," She answered with a sniff, placing her hand on my cheek. She stared at me with her lips formed into a pout, she looked adorable.

"Are you drunk?" Seems like the alcohol finally caught up to her I was beginning to think she was immune to it. Jimin can drink a lot ,which made me surprised Nari could keep up with him and no I didn't doubt her because she was a girl, but because it was insane the amount of alcohol they could handle.

"Yes," she began laughing hysterically as if it was the funniest thing ever. The corners of her eyes were crinkling, and she almost cried from her hysterics.

Deciding that taking her home would be impossible with her being in this state I went to get her some water which she refused because she could barely even sit up. It was a mystery how I didn't notice beforehand she was piss drunk, maybe her quietness in the past hour was her way of hiding it, yet that didn't explain her absence of slurring when she spoke. I stayed in the living room while I decided what to do with the girl in front me who was falling asleep. I ran my fingers through her messy hair as I thought, she nestled more into my hand with a sigh clearly enjoying the feeling. I stayed there with Nari for a minute before she shot up and sat on the couch.

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