«─── « ⋅ʚ Silence ɞ⋅ » ───»

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October 30, 2019

The past few days have been uneventful. After the concert the boys took me to the dorms and then I had a late-night call with Taehyung. We further processed what had happened and after a thank you and Goodnight the conversation was over. I've barely known about him since. He's responded to my texts, but in a very dry way that didn't lead to a conversation. I thought it was maybe because of the concerts and that he was busy, but he never sent me the tiger emoji that symbolized he was busy and the concerts were done yesterday. I thought we could go out today, but when I called him, he hesitated before telling me he was busy. Now, I'm not trying to be overbearing or anything but usually he tells me about his day and when he is busy, he tells me why, so it was strange the way he answered me.

His behavior is hurting my feelings and left me wondering if I did anything wrong. Should I have not shown up at the stadium, even if Jimin told me too? But he seemed happy after I got there and helped him to get back on stage. Maybe I said something I shouldn't have and that made him uncomfortable or maybe I was just being clingy. There was nothing I could do but give him space and I've tried my best, but each morning I wake up to send him a text in hopes that whatever is going in his mind has been resolved yet I end up disappointed with his short answers. I would have hoped for an explanation at least.

Snuggled up on the sofa and with a pint of rocky road ice cream I flipped through the channels in the search for some romcoms as a pick me up. My spirits lifted when 'She's the Man' was recommended on Netflix since that's one of my all time favorite movies. With no hesitation I clicked on the movie ready to get invested in someone else's love story. Eun-Jae joined me as the movie started, we shared the ice cream taking spoonfuls at a time and passing it to the other person back and forth, at that rate we finished it in no time. We laughed and giggled throughout the jokes and unbelievable things the movie played until it was over, and my reality struck me again.

"What happened with lover boy Nari?" Eun-Jae asked as he wrapped himself in a blanket. The temperature outside was starting to get cold, not enough to turn on the heaters though.

"I don't know what you speak of," I responded with pursed lips.

"'She's the Man' and Ice cream? That screams heartache to me," he mumbled giving me a 'really?' look.

"I don't even know what happened," I shrugged, "Overnight he just changed like he doesn't want talk to me so I'm giving him his space."

"I'm sorry to hear that I'm sure he'll come to his senses soon enough," he said, patting my back trying to comfort me in his awkward ways. How did he have a girlfriend?

"It was good while it lasted," I scoffed, taking the empty ice cream carton and throwing it in the trash.

"That's not my confident Nari," he whined with a frown, "Should we call Olivia?"

"Why Olivia?" I wondered while squinting my eyes at him.

"Isn't she your best friend?"

"Yeah," I nodded. 

"Then it's obvious there's no one better to comfort you than her," he exclaimed.

Eun-Jae waddled out of the living room with a blanket around his shoulders and came back with my laptop so we could face time the dare devil back home. It was sweet of Eun-Jae to care for me like this he's been a good friend and I guess I wouldn't have gotten a better roommate than him. I popped up Olivia's contact and pressed on the call button Eun-Jae leaning on my shoulder to look at the screen. He had the blanket wrapped all around his head, making him look adorable. This is beside the point 'cause I have (had?) Taehyung and he has his girlfriend back home, but Eun-Jae is lowkey hot I would never admit it but he is. 

"Hola chica!" Olivia yelled, a face mask on her face.

"Hi Liv!" I giggled at her appearance.

"Hi," Eun-Jae cutely muttered, making his presence known.

"What's up?" she asked, rolling a face massager over her mask.

"Taehyung isn't talking to her and Nari is upset."

I looked at him bewildered at how he just blurted out my news to Olivia. He didn't even give me a chance to go around it and make it more dramatic. I guess men won't ever understand the meaning of girl talk no matter how big of gossips they are. 

"He. What?" She stared at me perplexed.

"I don't know. You know as much as I do," I muttered recalling how I had told her about Taehyungs situation, I didn't go too much into detail because that is his private life but yeah.

"I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation," she strained out.

"Really? I thought you'd be cursing him out?" I grinned, knowing my best friend too well.

"Well, if that's what you want," and that was the trigger for her to rant, "That dick better get his big boy pants on and get a hold on the situation because nobody puts my best friend on hold, okay? I swear if he breaks your heart, I'll fly over to South Korea or wherever the hell he is and cut his- "

"Thank you, Olivia! That is enough," I yelled, covering my ears before she could proceed.

"I'm scared, Nari," Eun-Jae whispered fear on his face. 

"There, there, you are safe," Patting his head, I told him. 

"Is he?" Olivia glared in his direction.

"Liv, don't scare the poor boy," I scolded her a smile seeping through my lips. 

From her side of the call a ding was heard notifying her, she received a text.

"Who was it?" I gave her a side eye, knowing the answer already.

"Um- Macy," she stuttered, replying to the text.

"You filthy liar," I spat out with a grin. Macy and I had special ringtones for when we texted and that wasn't it.

"Do you want me to ask about Taehyung?"Liv asked, wiggling her phone between her fingers.

"Nah, let him come to me on his own terms," I scrunched my nose and shook my head.

"Okay, I also know some people if you wanna... scare him," she mysteriously added.

"Olivia!" I knew she didn't know anybody, but I liked to play along to her games.

"Alright, alright, I'll leave you two now I have to go get ready. My family is going out tonight for dinner."

"Thanks for the talk Liv, love you bitch," I screamed the last part at her waving at the camera.

"Love you too bitch," she responded with a smile.

"Your friend scares me," Eun-Jae muttered waving at the camera too.

"Me too sometimes," I agreed.

Looking at each other we burst out in laughter. After talking to them I did feel better.

"You know, tomorrow is Halloween and the group is going out do you want to come?"

"I don't know if I'm in the mood," I told him honestly, closing my laptop and placing it on the coffee table.

"Please! It'll get your mind off of him," he tried convincing me, his hands clutched in front of him.

I sighed before agreeing, "Okay, but I'm not dressing up."

"Deal," he grinned, offering me a handshake.

Rolling my eyes, I shook his hand sealing the deal.


What is happening to Taehyung?

What will Nari do?

Where will Eun-Jae and Nari go to party?

Will she really not dress up? On Halloween?

Tune in to the next chapter to find out some answers.

As always, please, remember to vote, comment, and share with a friend.

-Nikki Marie 💜

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