«─── « ⋅ʚ Surprises ɞ⋅ » ───»

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January 27, 2020

Standing in front of his door, I knocked top a beat till he opened the door. As soon as my class ended at 12 pm I took off to Taehyung's hotel a night bag in my trunk in case I decided to stay till tomorrow. My knuckles were starting to hurt from my knocking, but the door was pulled open revealing a smiley Taehyung.

He threw his arms around me in a hug excited to see me. Ushering me inside, he made me sit on the bed because he had a surprise for me.

"What is it Tae?" I buzzed with excitement, "You have been raving about this surprise for days."

"You're going to love it and me!" he cutely giggled, grabbing a gift box on the table.

"I already love you Tae," I said, pursing my lips.

"Here you go," he said, giving me the box and taking out his phone, "Let me film this."

I suspiciously opened the package I had no idea what it could be. What can he give me that'll make me love him more? That's practically impossible. Tearing the wrapping paper off I opened the small box.

"OH MY GOD," I screamed, looking at the sign album, "YOU DID NOT!"

"I did," he nodded with a boxy smile, still videoing me.

"This is real right?" I asked him, tears of happiness filling my eyes.

The surprise was a signed Ariana Grande album and that was not all it had a message dedicated to me. Ari was one of my favorite artists out there and Taehyung did this. It is possible to love this man more.

"We got to meet her and talk to her during the Grammy rehearsal, and I told her about you, and she offered to do this," Taehyung explained sitting beside me.

"You okay?" he lightly asked me at my lack of response.

"I think so, a little overwhelmed," I told him while fanning my eyes with my hand.

"Is this how you acted when you met us?" he teased.

"On the inside, on the outside I tried playing it cool to not make me seem crazy," I admitted, thinking back to that day.

"I'll give you a moment I have to finish getting ready to go to dinner," Taehyung stood up from the bed, kissing my head.

"Okay," I squeaked, holding the album to my chest.

After fangirling and sending the girls a picture of the album Taehyung and I took off to a random restaurant. It was a pretty normal date the both of us chatting about our plans for the week and about my parent's anniversary. Taehyung had already talked to his manager and was given the okay to go which was great. He has been extremely busy since he arrived prerecording interviews and performances while, also, attending and performing at important award shows like the Grammys. I am so proud of Taehyung and BTS in the last few years they have come so far and I know they'll continue to rise up. Who knows, maybe next year they'll be nominated or something and be able to perform on their own as the rightfully deserve. 

After dinner we chose to simply go back to the hotel room, and rest god knows we both need it, mostly Tae though. Changing into our pajamas we cuddled on the bed and watched a random movie in my computer. Taehyung was battling his sleepiness yet as the minutes passed, I felt more and more the weight on my shoulder.

"Taehyung, go to sleep," I whispered to him.

"No, I'm fine," he mumbled, cheek pressed against my shoulder.

"Go to sleep I'll be here in the morning silly," I tried convincing him, playing with strands of his hair.

"Hmm, okay," he sighed, closing his eyes.

I kept watching the movie waiting for sleep to call me to bed. Instead, a feeling of thirst overcame me as my mouth felt dry. Carefully getting out of bed, I took a glass of water only to find there was no ice, so I put on some shoes and made my way to the ice room. I lazily dragged my feet on the carpet, eyes roaming the different numbered rooms until I found the one I was looking for. The door had a small glass window giving you a view of the room and what I saw left me shook. Inside the room in front of the ice machine was Olivia and Jimin in what looked like a heated make out session, they will surely need the ice to cool down afterwards. A noise left my lips from the surprise and before they could turn to see who was there, I bolted in the opposite direction. What was the deal with Jimin and ice rooms? I hid in one of the halls and thankfully they didn't venture a lot to find out the culprit of the sound.

"I swear I heard something," Olivia told Jimin.

"Whatever it was, it's gone," he told her.

I heard talking in hushed tones and poking my head around the corner, I saw Jimin tenderly touching Olivia's crossed arms. They looked so cute! She looked upset, but with a few words from him she calmed down and smiled. Olivia most definitely felt something for her, I'd have to talk to her about it in a girl's night, I was so excited for her.

Once they left, I snuck back into the room ice less yet happy as can be. I drank my room temperature water and headed to bed where a cuddly and warm Tae was waiting for me.

"Where were you?" he sleepily mumbled, throwing an arm around my waist.

"Getting some ice," I told him with a smile on my face.

"Didn't meet any idol while you were there did you?"

"Of course not, you're the only one for me," I said, cuddling into his chest and tilting my head up to kiss his jaw. I didn't meet any idols but what I saw was gold.


With that Taehyung went to sleep and so did I. In the morning we woke up around the same time got ready for our respective schedules and went on our ways. Next time I'd see him was for my parent's anniversary and I couldn't be more excited for it. Not only because he was going, but because I would get to dress up.


I know, I know I said I wasn't going to update.

This is truly a filler, I always say, but this one has no excuse. It does have a function, though, you'll see in the next chapter.

As always, please, remember to vote, comment, and share with a friend.

-Nikki Marie 💜

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