«─── « ⋅ʚ Statement ɞ⋅ » ───»

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January 31, 2020

There was a somber silence in the living room. We were waiting for Taehyung and his manager to get here to discuss whatever it was that just happened. Dad was pacing back and forth no doubt forming a lawsuit in his head even if he knew it would be fruitless against a media company. Olivia was unusually silent, not knowing what do to since joking around didn't seem like the right thing to do and Macy was upstairs with Youngjin. She wanted to be here with me but knew she couldn't be of much help.

Meanwhile, I was silent with hundreds of incomprehensible thoughts. Just as one would appear, and I'd start making sense of it another would interrupt and the cycle would repeat itself. I was slowly processing our new reality we were outed by one of biggest media companies in South Korea.

It all came out of nowhere hitting me in the face. I didn't know what to feel should I be scared of what the fans might do, worried about what Tae and I will do about it, in disbelief that we were caught?

Knocking was heard on the door, dad opened it as he was the closest. He greeted Taehyung and his manager leading them to where the rest of us were. Taehyung searched for me and once he found me, he took long strides to where I was and engulfed me in a hug. He exuded warmth and security two things I needed right now.

"Everything will be fixed soon flower," he whispered in my ear, my heart calming at the sound of his voice.

I nodded into his shoulder, squeezing him tighter. My mind was better now too choosing to focus on him instead.

"I'm sorry this happened to you guys we had no idea of it. If we would've had an inclination this was going to happen, we would've handled things with dispatch directly," Manager Sejin spoke, shooting us a sympathetic look.

"It's okay," I nodded at him. I believed Big Hit would have done something they wouldn't purposely expose or hurt the image of one of their best artists.

"If you want, we can talk about what steps to take?" he offered.

"Actually, can I talk to Taehyung first?" I needed to know where we stood and what we both wanted to do about the incident.

"Of course, take your time," he said, my mom telling him to take a seat and offering him something to drink. My dad soon approached him wanting more information about the subject at hand.

I grabbed Taehyung's hand, intertwining our fingers and leading him to the backyard where we sat on the swinging chair side by side. The rocking of it and the cold California night air clearing my thoughts.

"Talk to me," Taehyung said, pushing his feet against the floor so the chairs would swing lightly.

"I wanted to know where we stand, if we're on the same page, and what do we want now that everything is out. Because I have no idea," I let out a small laugh.

"Nari, of course, I'm sorry I didn't think of it before," he apologized, his hold on my hand tightening.

"It's alright, you just got here anyway," I waved his apology off, "What do you think of all of this?"

"It's not ideal," he sighed, eyes focusing on the pool, "I didn't want it to come out this way it's very impersonal and it distorted our whole truth, not to mention that it happened very quickly, not letting me, us, enjoy this part of our life without millions of people having an opinion on it."

Taehyung cared so much about his fans it was only natural for him to do right by them and be honest. I understood where he was coming from it would've been nice to keep this between us a little longer without having to worry about what the media or his fans thought about the matter. Although it doesn't take a genius to know they are probably cursing me out right now. I haven't bothered going to Twitter or any social media.

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