Sasori x Reader

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Guys i'm gonna write in second person for this one so its easier!!

I was sitting in my room watching the rain come down. There wasn't gonna be any missions today. So I was bored all day sketching and drawing. I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it" I said kinda annoyed they interrupted my sketching time.

"It's Itachi, Leader wants us to play 7 minutes in heaven so come out here" He replied with an emotionless voice.

"Ugh fine, ill be out in 5 minutes or less" I said with an obvious attitude because I find those games dumb but I wanted to laugh at Hidan incase he got a guy to go into the closet with.

I came out of my room in a black skirt and a shirt that says 'dead inside'. Everyone put personal belongings into a bag. We spun a bottle to see who goes first and just my like I have to go first.

"Damn it why do i have to go first" I said with a pissy attitude.

I reached my hand into the bag and felt something hard and pulled it out and whoopty doo to my luck it was a wooden puppet hand. I've had a crush on Sasori for as long as I have joined the Akatsuki.

"Come on brat" Sasori said with a bit of blush but it's not noticeable.

Tobi dragged me to the closet and shut the door and locked it.

"You have 7 minutes so have fun!" Hidan said with a bit of laughter.

Ugh that pervert, i'm gonna kick his ass when I get out of here.

"You know we don't-" I was interrupted with a gentle kiss on my lips. When I realized it was Sasori I kissed back. He pinned me against the wall and licked my bottom lip for entrance and I denied it to be a tease. He put his hand up my shirt and grabbed my breast which made me gasp. He took the opportunity to sneak his tongue in. Our tongues were fighting for dominance but he won.

"You only have 4 minutes left!" Tobi screeched.

Sasori started to move down and start kissing my neck. He surprisingly found my sweet spot fast. I was very impressed and when he started sucking I let out a tiny moan. he left a purple mark on my neck. The door burst open and the other members just looked at us in shock. Sasori smirked at me

"After the game, meet me in my room brat" He whispered before he left to go back to the circle. I sat there for a minute shook at what happened. Butterflies filled my stomach. I went back to the circle and I did indeed get to make fun of Hidan for getting Kakazu.

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