Suigetsu x Reader

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*5:00 pm at a hot spring*

You decided to take a break at a hotspring after a long day of walking. You booked a hotel room for the night and changed into a cute bathing suit with little sharks on them. When you got to the hot springs you saw a girl with red hair already in the water so you sat across from her. She gave a few weird looks and decided to say something.

"My name Karin, what's your name" She said with kind of a bitchy attitude.

"Im y/n" You said with a bit of sass back.

"Just saying Sasuke is mine so BACK OFF" She yelled at you and that REALLY pissed you off.

"Listen Karin I don't know what your problem is but GET OFF MY ASS" You yelled pretty sure the boys on the other side heard.

"Also I don't know WHO TF THIS SAUSGAY PERSON IS SO BE QUIET" You screamed one more time before she stormed off.

You heard some boys giggling on the other side. One of them sounded really cute but you're just gonna keep that to yourself. 

*A few hours go by and its now 7:30pm*

You got out and to your surprise you saw Karin waiting for you. 'Great what does she want now' You thought to yourself. You also saw there was other people with her too.

"What do you want raggedy anne" You said sounding kinda annoyed. The other members laughed at that insult and Karin just gave them a glare.

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" Karin said with a sympathetic tone.

"Its fine I guess, I shouldn't have lashed out either. I just get pissed off easily" You said with a warm smile.

"Can I talk to for a moment" A weird emo looking boy said.

"Yeah.." You said with confusion. It was weird because you have never seen or have heard of this boy so why does he want to talk to you?

"I heard you have excellent powers and can use all 5 chakra natures and all 6 chakra forms. I also heard you have an amazing kekkei genkai. Is that true?" The emo boy said with seriousness.

"Yes it is, why do you want to know?" You said with sass and confusion.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, and I would need you on my team to kill my older brother Itachi" Sasuke said still emotionless.

"I guess i'll join, I have nothing else to do with my life" You said with a depressing tone.

*3 days later*

"Can we please take a break" Suigetsu said while taking a sip out of his water bottle.

"SUIGETSU STOP BEING LAZY" Karin screamed with anger.

Karin and Suigetsu argue for 5 minutes before Sasuke had enough of it.

"Fine we will take a break. We should be there soon though" Sasuke said with an annoyed voice.

We all sat down and you noticed Suigetsu kept looking at you and looking away when you caught him staring.

"Why do you keep looking at me" You said with a soft warm smile.

"I- uh- i wasn't" Suigetsu replied nervously scratching the back of his neck and blushing HARD.

"Yeah right, just tell y/n you like her already" Karin said with a annoyed sassy tone in her voice.

Suigetsu's face went all red and so did yours. You have like Suigetsu since you guys have first met but you didn't know it then.

"Alright, break over. We should be at the place soon" Sasuke said demandingly.

"Okayy" You, karin, Suigetsu, and Jugo said in sync.

*30 minutes later"

"Alright were here" Sasuke said with a smirk on his face.

"We can only book 2 rooms. Karin and y/n since you both dislike each other you won't be in the same room. Y/n and Suigetsu will share a room and Karin you will be with me and Jugo" Sasuke said. It seemed like he purposely put Suigetsu and you in the same room since he did one of those rare smiles of his. After you and Suigetsu heard that you guys will be in the same room both faces went completely red.

"So we will be in the same room together huh" Suigetsu said with a really cute grin on his face. You really wanted to confess your feelings but you weren't fully sure he felt the same way.

"Yeah I guess so" You said with a scarlet red face.

You both went to the room and sat on the same bed talking about the future and getting to know each other. 

"Guessing by your sword you knew Zabuza" You said seriously.

"Yeah, how do you know him?" Suigetsu said with curiosity.

"I've fought him once, he was a fun person to battle. Probably one of my favorite battles" You said with a slight giggle.

Time went by and it was almost bedtime. Suigetsu went onto his own bed and you had just taken a shower and got into your pajamas. When you left the bathroom you noticed Suigetsu looking at you and you realized you were just in an oversized t shirt and panties. You immediately blushed.

"I-I-I I'm sorry i'll change" You said nervously and started walking to the bathroom before you could reach the bathroom felt someone grab your wrist and pull you into a tight hug.

"It's okay" Suigetsu said with a slight nose bleed. You giggled and decided it was time to confess your feelings towards him.

"Hey um Suigetsu, can I tell you something" You said softly with a red face.

"Yeah of course, you can tell me anything" He said with a warm smile that just made your heart melt.

"I honestly have liked you from the moment we first met. I knew you were the cutest one out of all of the other members. I didn't realize it back then but now-" You were interrupted by a soft pair of lips kissing you. You thought you were gonna pass out for a moment but you kissed him back and he pulled away.

"Y/n I have liked you from the moment we first met too" Suigetsu said with bright scarlet red on his cheeks. You both went into your bed and cuddled for the rest of the night. Man Sasuke is a matchmaker from heaven.

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