Itachi x reader

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Background: It's the night of the Uchiha assassination. Itachi just couldn't bring himself to kill you. And he finally appears to tell you the truth.


You were heading home after a long, risky anbu mission. But little do you know that when you walk into the uchiha neighborhood, everyone was dead. Not a single soul alive. You felt your heart break. Tears threatened to escape your eyes. 'Who could've done this' you thought. So you ran home to see if your parents were okay. you busted through the door and saw cold, bloody bodies on the ground. "MOTHER, FATHER" You screamed as the hot tears came down your face. 'Why?" You though as you punched the ground on your knees. You hear footsteps coming closer and closer. "WHOS THERE" You yell with your voice cracking. You turn around to be facing the one and only Itachi Uchiha who you have been friends with for years. "I-Itachi they're dead" You cry. "I know. I'm the on who killed them" He said bluntly. You whipped your head up from the ground with your sharingan blaring at him. "WHY I-ITACHI WHY" You broke down. 'How could he do such a thing and why?' "So i could test out my abilities" He said with a slight frown. You could tell he was lying ut for a good reason because he's not one to lie. "I-Itachi I hate you" You cried out. His heart broke. The girl he has loved for years. Just told him she hates him.

Flashback ends

Your pov

I wake in a joult. My eyes start to water. Ever since that night i've been having horrible nightmares about it. I'm still super confused as to why he did it. Oh well, i'll never know because I don't ever want to see him again. I heard he spared his brother too. I wonder how Sasuke is taking it. I get up and make some eggs for breakfast. Maybe I'll do some training with Kakashi and his genins. Which contains Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. Lately I have been having a feeling of someone watching me. I recognize the chakra though. It feels awfully similar to Itac- no it can't be him. He is busy with the Akatsuki. I do kinda miss him. I frown at the thought of him. I finish eating and get dressed. I wonder if i'll have any missions. I head out to the training grounds. The person is following me.

"Just come out, I know you've been stalking me" I say. The person pops out in front of me. I gasp and almost tear up.

"I-Itachi what are you doing here" I cry. Itachi just walks forward and I flinch. he frowns at the gesture.

"I've come to tell you the truth about the night." He states. So he was lying. I wonder why he's telling me.

"Okay speak." I Sternly say. he sighs.

"Well let's go somewhere more private first." He says. I follow him through the forest to a quiet cabin.

"Okay speak or i'm leaving" I mumble. He nods and tells me everything. I feel so bad. He had to risk his future and reputation for the whole village. I wish i could've done something to help.

"I-Im so sorry Itachi" I have tears slipping out and he takes his hand and wipes them away. I slightly blush. Wait why am I blushing- I mean he is pretty. I take his hand off my cheek and he frowns and i go to hug him and he accepts.

"I-Itachi I have something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time" He hums.

"What is it" He smiles. It's been so damn long since i've seen that pretty smile.

"Well ever since we were kids.. Well how do you put it.. I love you Itachi. I have since we were kids and I always will. It's okay if you don't reciprocate the feelings" I look up to see his whole face red. I giggle.

"Well do you reciprocate those feelings" I ask him. He gets out of his daze.

"..*cough cough* Yes i do y/n. I have since the same time. I've always loved you and I always will. I never stopped loving you" He kisses your forehead. I smile and grab his collar down and kiss his lips. It takes him a few seconds to kiss back.

"So y/n.. how do you feel about finally being mine after all these years" He holds me in a deep and comforting embrace.

"I would love that 'tachi"

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