The Masquerade Pt. 2

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The spotlights were hot, and Quinn could feel her forehead sweating, but refused to move from her spot on the stage.

"How sick do you have to be to find shit like this entertaining," she said, her voice loud as gestured towards the six young adults kneeling on the stage. They looked up at her.

The girl known as "her majesty" scowled at Quinn, "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but recommend that you get off of my stage, before I make you get off," at this, the six suited guys from before walked onto the stage, but Quinn held her ground.

"She's not going anywhere."

Quinn looked to the source of the voice, she recognized Midge's dress, and couldn't help the small smile that formed as Midge stood next to her.

Her majesty huffed out a breath, "If you two don't get off of my stage, I swear,"

Angus stood up next to Midge, "What are you gonna do?"

Jax stood as well, the six people who'd been kneeling before were now standing amongst the crowd, looks of concern on their faces.

Her majesty said nothing, she only stood in disbelief, "Get them off of my stage!"

The six suited boys lunged at the group, Quinn grabbed Midge's hand, and lept from the stage, Angus and Jax following behind them, as they ran through the building, they could hear the distant sounds of thunder, it was raining.

The night was dark as the four friends made their way through the wood trails that they had traveled through earlier that evening, but the pitch blackness of the dark, along with the growing rain didn't help matters.

Quinn's hand had long since slipped from Midge's, and as she looked behind her, she felt a pit in her stomach at the absence of her friends.

The winds had begun to pick up, as well as the fat drops of rain that pelted Quinn as she wandered through the deep woods. She looked for something, anything, to tell her where she was.

Then she tripped.

Quinn wasn't sure what it was, but she had tripped on something, and it sent her tumbling, she continued to fall, looking for something the grab hold of, but was greeted by cold, wet, mud. Her tumbling ended when she came into hard contact with a large boulder, though luckily, her leg broke her fall, or more accurately, her fall broke her leg.

Quinn tried to move, but any shift in position sent pain shooting through her body. She looked at her leg, by the way, it was twisted, she knew it was broken, she gripped her leg with both hands and braced herself, she shifted her bone into position, a scream escaping her lips.

Tears streamed down her face, she sat up, leaning against a fallen tree, the cold, harsh storm winds whipped her face. Rain pelted her. She soaked from head to toe. Quinn pulled her phone from her pocket, her expression falling when she saw that there was no service. She looked around desperately.

"MIDGE! JAX! ANGUS!" Quinn yelled the names of her friends into the storm winds, with no response. Tears streamed down her face, and she buried her head in her knees. She would have to wait the storm out.

She raised her head as leaves rustled in front of her, she held a sharp stick in defense, "Show Yourself!"

A shadowed figure presented itself, knife in hand.

Quinn felt fear shoot through her entire body, she felt frozen in place, paralyzed, almost.


Quinn squinted as the shadowed figure came closer, she let out a breath of relief as she realized that it was Jax, he looked at her, a smile of relief on his face, until he saw her leg.

Quinn's Woods (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now