A Dark Cloud

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It had only been a week, but the news of Jackie's suicide had spread. Not only through Ridgewood, but through town as well.

Quinn couldn't bring herself to move. She didn't have classes, as the teachers thought that the students should mourn properly, so classes would resume next week.

Quinn felt awful. She was the last person that Jackie had talked to. She should've noticed that something was off. She should've done something, said something, tried harder. She felt like a failure.

Quinn heard a soft knock on her door, she didn't say anything, until a faint, "I know you're in there," was uttered. Quinn groaned and sat up, she opened her door, Midge stood with a brown paper bag in hand.

"Hey," Midge said softly.

"Hi," was all that came from Quinn's mouth.

Midge shuffled in place, "I-I heard about... Jackie."

Quinn didn't respond.

"From what I hear, the two of you were friends. I'm sorry this happened."

Quinn didn't speak, she only grunted.

"I... brought you breakfast," Midge said, holding up the paper bag.

"I'm not hungry," Quinn murmured, but the growling of her stomach said otherwise.

"How long has it been since you've eaten," Midge asked, sitting at Quinn's desk.

"I ate a Hershey kiss yesterday," Quinn said weakly.

Midge frowned, "Quinn, that's not eating."

Quinn said nothing, she just slouched on her bed. Midge looked at her, analyzing. Quinn had definitely lost weight, nothing too drastic, but it was enough to be noticeable. Her hair was a matted mess and it needed to be brushed, and the bags under Quinn's eyes were heavy. Her room was a mess, clothing piles on the floor, not to mention how dark it was, the curtains were closed, and Quinn's fairy lights were off.

Midge bit her lip, she should've come earlier.

"Quinn, I know you're hurting, but, you need to get up. I'll put on some music, and we can eat, okay?"

Quinn didn't say a word, Midge grunted.

Midge walked over to Quinn's bed and shook her lightly, "Quinn, come on, can you please sit up?"

Quinn grunted and sat up. Now that she had a closer look, Midge could see that Quinn's eyes were puffy and red and that she had a slight stink to her as if she hadn't showered.

Midge exhaled, "I'll be right back, okay?"

Quinn nodded. Midge looked around her room and opened her closet, looking around. As she searched, she found an old picture of her and Quinn, she smiled at the memory but continued her search. She grabbed a bucket, (or rather it was a storage container) along with a washcloth.

She looked over at Quinn, who was staring absentmindedly at the wall. Midge didn't know Jackie personally, but she guessed that her death had taken a toll on Quinn. Quinn was the type who attached to people fairly quickly, so it probably hit her super hard.

Midge exited the dorm, walking through the hallways, she saw the dorm that she assumed was Jackie's. Outside of it were bouquets, probably from teachers, or students who didn't want to look like assholes.

Midge walked into the bathroom and filled the container halfway with water. Once she was done, she returned to the dorm. Quinn sat, saying nothing.

"Hey, I'm back," she said, trying to keep things light, Quinn only grunted.

"Well, I figured I'd... clean you up," Midge said, grabbing Quinn's body wash, "If I'm gonna eat with you, I wanna make sure you smell somewhat decent," she said, in a joking tone.

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