Food With Friends Pt.2

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The guy at the door looked to be about Jax's age, maybe older. 

Angus looked at the guy for about five minutes, before breaking into tears, running into the guy's arms.

"Clark, I missed you so much,"  Angus said as he cried into Clark's neck. Jax walked up to the two of them and hugged Clark as well.

"Hey, Angus, I missed you too, hey, Jax," Clark was crying as well.

As Clark, Angus, and Jax broke the hug, Angus wiped the tears from his eyes,  he looked at Quinn and Midge who stood in slight confusion, "Guys, this is my brother, Clark."

Clark waves awkwardly at the two girls, Quinn and Midge wave back.

"Clark does studies in Norway, so I don't get to see him very much, but... I thought you wouldn't be back for another month," Angus says as Jax picks up Clark's bags.

"Yeah, but they gave us an early break, so I thought I'd surprise you," Clark said with a big smile. As Quinn looked closer at Clark, she could definitely see the similarities between the two of them. They both shared the dark skin, dark hair, and dark brown eyes.  Clark had a larger build and had a bit more muscle. 

As Clark walked into the living room, his parents pulled him into a tight hug. Quinn smiled. The moment warmed her heart.  She turned to her side to look at Midge, who looked a tad bit uncomfortable. She and Midge made eye contact. Quinn gave a smile, but Midge only looked away.

The rest of the night went well. The group sat for dinner, everyone laughing and smiling. The steaks tasted amazing, not to mention Angus' family was great. After dinner, the group had migrated towards the living room and began casual conversation.

"So, what school do you go to," Quinn asked, as she took a sip of grape juice.

Clark chuckled, "I study Biomedical Sciences at the University of Bergen."

Quinn nodded, "Since you're from the U.S.,  how does school work?"

Clark took another sip from his cup, "They have a two-year exchange program, so this is my last year, and then I"ll graduate."

Quinn nodded. She was really enjoying her time with Angus and his brother. Angus was a sweet guy with a big heart. He was the second oldest amongst five children and loved all of his siblings equally. But Clark was like his best friend. He was the first person that Angus had come out to, and Quinn could tell that he and Clark had a great relationship.

Quinn looked to her side, Jax and Angus were sitting together on the loveseat, laughing at a joke that Angus' father had told. Chloe, who was the third oldest, was playing on her phone, while Aaron and Terrance, the twins ran around the room, playing tag. As she looked around the room, Quinn noticed that Midge wasn't anywhere to be seen. Quinn carefully got up and looked around. As she looked at the porch door, she could see Midge was standing outside.

Quinn placed her cup on the table and walked onto the porch. She quietly opened the door and stood next to Midge. Midge looked up at her and jumped slightly.

"Holy shit, where did you come from?"

Quinn chuckled, "My mom, duh."

Midge scoffed, "Wow, such a comedian," she said, rolling her eyes playfully.

"I know. I'm the next Jerry Seinfield," Quinn said in-between chuckles.

Midge laughed softly, a small snort leaving her mouth. Quinn smiled softly.

"Anyway, Midge, what are you doing out here," Quinn asked, as she looked up at the night sky.

"It was getting kinda stuffy in there. Plus, I'm not really into socializing."

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