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Midge's voice was different. More mature, which was a guarantee, but, Quinn recognized her slightly raspy voice.

"Shut up, idiot. You trying to tell the whole school you're in the girl's bathroom?"

Quinn wanted to open the stall and bolt out of the bathroom, but, curiosity kept her frozen in place. Who was the boy? What did he want with Midge? To hook up? Quinn stayed quiet and now had her feet pulled up on the toilet seat as to not alert the two.

"What is it? You've been blowing up my phone, and, it's pissing me off!"

There was clear anger in the boy's voice. Quinn could tell that he was most certainly, without a doubt, pissed.

Midge scoffed, "I want my fucking money! It's been three weeks! You said you would pay, and you haven't paid."

Quinn's face scrunched, was Midge trying to get paid for sex? "No, that doesn't make sense. Midge wouldn't just have sex with some dude for money. Even if she was strapped for cash."

"So, you're hassling me for pot money? Come on. I said I was gonna pay you when I was ready." Quinn sighed in relief, selling drugs wasn't great, but it was considerably better than selling your body.

"Listen, Gregg, you wanted ten grams. Do you have any fucking idea how much that set me back? I've got other customers you know? But, fine. Don't pay. I'll just tell everyone that Gregg Ackerman, the so-called 'golden boy' is nothing but a low-life pothead."

Silence filled the restroom. Quinn felt her stomach turn. She recognized the last name of the boy. Gregg Ackerman, the youngest of the five Ackerman children. The Ackerman family was considered to be the richest family in Amberdale. In the whole tri-county area, there wasn't anyone nearly as rich as The Ackermans.

Gregg was known for a lot of things, but, the thing that he was known for the most, was his anger.


Quinn heard the sound of slamming against the wall, she tried to peak through the crack in the stall, but, couldn't make anything out.

"Holy shit! Put me down, Ackerman!"

"NO! You don't tell Gregg Ackerman what to do. NO ONE DOES!"

Quinn could feel the situation was escalating and fast, she had to do something. She quietly put her feet on the floor and opened the stall.

"Gregg? Why don't you just calm down?"

Midge's eyes widened as she recognized Quinn's face, "Quinn? What the hell are you doing here?"

Gregg turned his head back to Midge, "So, you know her? What, you needed backup or something?"

Midge and Quinn locked eyes for a moment, then Midge turned her head back to Gregg, "No. I've never met her. I've just heard her name and seen her here and there. Look, I'm sorry for trying to hustle you. Just make sure to pay."

Gregg went silent before releasing Midge. He glared at Quinn, "You better keep your mouth shut, or else."

Gregg exited the bathroom leaving Midge and Quinn standing in the restroom awkwardly. Quinn looked at Midge, who was fixing her hair in the mirror. She looked way different. her hair was in a pixie cut and dyed bright blue. She was wearing a black crop-top and black jeans with navy blue wedges, and on the back of her neck was a black rose tattoo.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer."

Quinn looked away from her, as the awkwardness set in. It had been five years since their last conversation, "Are you okay?"

Quinn's Woods (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now