Truth, Lies and the Undefined

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A/N: Hey guys, I am sorry this chapter took longer than expected. I've been having some health problems, but luckily nothing serious. More people are commenting and adding Aquaphobia to their reading list (someone even voted for the last chapter!), and I just want you to know how much I appreciate you! Thank you for your support. It really means a lot to me. I am going to be moving to my mum's home town of Deep River over the next few weeks, so I am afraid it will be another wait for the next chapter. Thank you all for reading, I never thought I would get this many views!

Warning: There will be a mention of Anorexia. There are also two sections with abuse, and I have placed warnings before and after each section. Again, everyone's experiences are different, so I am sorry if this story offends anyone. If this content could trigger you, don't read it. Remember, I am always open to anyone who needs to talk.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson franchise (makes me sad every time I have to say it). I only own any characters I create and most of the plot line.

It feels like I am drifting, with nothing holding me down. All I can do is let the world pull me wherever it wants. I feel like I am stumbling through my day; I barely remember what is going on around me.

I am by the big house, when did I get here? I see someone come out onto the deck, and the minute I see their face, I feel the urge to run as fast as I can. It's Greyson. I haven't spoken to him since Derrek told me not to. I've made Derrek so happy by obeying him, he told me so with the biggest grin I had ever seen, and I don't want to do anything that could jeopardize that. I see Greyson's head start to slowly swivel towards me, and I take off running. I hear a muffled call behind me, but I don't slow down.

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I stop when I reach my cabin. It feels like all the blood is leaving my head, and I am left feeling dizzy and slightly sick. I sit down on the steps of my cabin and take deep breaths.

I don't know how long I sit there until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Elani standing there with a worried expression. "Aria? What are you doing out here?" I just look up at her, taking a moment to process her words. "I was... I was just enjoying the sun and fell into a bit of a day dream, sorry if I worried you." I see her face soften, and she plops down next to me. "Long-time no see, huh" she says in a carefree tone. I nod along, allowing myself to feel more relaxed. "Yeah, it feels like we haven't talked in ages." I confess.

"I can't blame you" she begins. "I bet you want to spend all your time with your hot new boyfriend" she nudges my shoulder and gives me a wink. My heart instantly soars at the mention of Derrek. "He is amazing" I say with a slight smile on my face.

"You should bring him next time me, you and Greyson hang out." I freeze slightly, I definitely will not be doing that.  "Why don't I introduce him to you right now?" I suggest.

"That's a great idea, let's go find Greyson then we can all go." I begin to sweat lightly as I think of an excuse. "I saw Greyson talking to Chiron, he looked really busy, why don't I just introduce them another time?" I speak as casually as possible, and hope she will take the bait. She bites her lip, "I suppose that would be alright, if you are sure," she says in a worried voice. "I'm positive."

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It doesn't take us long to find Derrek. We catch him on the way back to the Nike cabin. "Derrek!" I exclaim. He turns with a slightly annoyed look, and I freeze. What did I do wrong? Is he mad? He looks at me and then Elani and I see his eyes soften. His lips quirk up into a charming smile. I instantly relax and fill up with joy. I didn't upset him, he is happy to see me. I run up to him and he pulls me into his arms. He plants a soft kiss on my forehead. He leans down to whisper in my ear "I saw you avoid Greyson at the big house earlier, I am so proud of you." I beam up at him until I hear someone clear their throat. I turn to see Elani standing there, slightly uncomfortable. "Sorry Elani," I giggle, "I forgot what we were here for!" She just smiles while Derrek gives me a questioning look.

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