Paler than a Ghost

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A/N: Hi guys, sorry I have been MIA for a while. I was busy finishing up grade 12, but I graduated! I also got to experience my first pride month after coming out to my mum, originally as bisexual, but more recently as a lesbian. I went to the parade with her in Toronto and it was awesome. I hope all of you had an amazing Pride month and that you enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson franchise, though I dream I did every night. I only own any characters I create and most of the plot line.

The minute light returns to the world I run to the side of the ship and vomit into the sea. It isn't my proudest moment, but I feel better when I see Greyson doing the same and Percy looking green. "I never get used to that", says Percy. I turn towards Will and Nico and see Will practically holding up an extremely pale Nico. I didn't even know he could get any paler. Will lets Nico sit against the side of the ship. "Are you okay?" Asks Will in a tender way. Nico attempts to nod, but it looks like it takes too much energy. Will reaches for his hand only for it to pass through. Will gulps nervously. "I need to get him to the infirmary for observation. He is a little too shadow for my tastes." Percy seems to understand and moves to help Will. Will picks up Nico and Percy spots him in case Nico suddenly goes shadow and drops through Will's arms. They disappear below deck and when I am feeling a bit better, I turn to Greyson. "That was certainly something," Greyson nods, still looking nauseous. Percy soon returns to the deck. "Nico is completely passed out. He and Will are going to stay in the med bay until we get back." His words remind me of where we travelled to, and I take in my surroundings. What I thought was the sea is actually an abyss of shadow. I don't want to know where my vomit ended up. Ahead of us is a medium sized temple, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in appearances. The whole place has a translucent look and yet is still opaque. The building glows with a faint ethereal light, adding to the eerie look. Aria had no idea what a ghost temple would look like, but she knew without a doubt that this was it.

"What's the plan?" Asks Greyson.

"I think we should try talking to Melinoe first. We need to know her true motive. If we are lucky, we may be able to talk her out of it," I reply. Percy nods in agreement.

"We should avoid fighting a goddess if we can," says Percy.

"And when that doesn't work?" Asks Greyson, "we're demigods, there is no way we will be that lucky." I sigh.

"If it doesn't work, we have to fight and grab the key, hopefully saving Elani along the way."

"Sounds like we have a plan," says Percy. "Let's go."


They approach the temple slowly. Only when they are on the steps does one of them break the silence. "Think she knows we're here?" Asks Percy.

"I imagine she knew the minute we started walking towards the temple, if not when we travelled here," replies Greyson.

"Then there is no point in stalling," I say, trying to sound more confident than I am.

We enter the temple and are immediately in a throne room of sorts. The ceiling appears to go up so high all you can see is shadow. Ghosts run this way and that and are clearly the tenders of the ghost temple. In the back of the room, directly in the center of the wall, sits Melinoe. She stares straight at us but makes no move to attack. I kneel, despite not wanting to. "Lady Melinoe," I say in greeting.

"Rise demigod and tell me why you have disturbed my sacred place." I look at her and notice a glint around her neck. The key. "I came for the key your daughter stole. I do not know why you need it, but know that whatever your reason is, it will not grant you what you want." Melinoe laughs,

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