Searching for Air

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A/N: It didn't take me a month this time! I actually started this chapter two weeks ago, but then I got hit with some back-to-back tests and had to wait. Thank you to the people who commented as you encouraged me to get this out far sooner than it would have been. I can hardly believe that there are actually people out there reading this. That there are people invested enough to come back and read the new chapters. It is beyond cool.

Warning: There is self-harm in this chapter! I have placed trigger warnings around the paragraph, so don't read it unless you are comfortable. I am always here to talk to anyone who needs it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson franchise * sob *. I only own any characters I create and most of the plot line.

The ship was actually a lot larger than I originally thought. There is a kitchen, dining, and common room, as well as a separate hallway for the bedrooms. Mine is at the very end of the hall. The door is a deep brown that seems to almost be purple, the inside is quite spacious, and luckily, doesn't have any windows. The other rooms have windows that look out onto the sea, at least in here I can try to forget I am on a boat. There is a twin bed with a warm cover, a side table, and deep closet. Every room has an ensuite with a toilet, sink, and small shower. There is also a first aid kit in every room with some Ambrosia and Nectar, as well as a proper med bay close to the bedrooms. I sit on my bed and try to ignore the swaying of the boat. There is only one thing in my room I haven't explored, a third door. All the other rooms have two doors, closet and bathroom, but mine has three. I cautiously approach it, slowly reaching my hand out to the handle. I turn the brass knob and take a step forward. The door swings forward to reveal a mini dance studio equipped with a wall of mirrors and ballet bar. I nearly cry at the sight. I haven't danced in an actual studio in ages, and the fact that my dad thought to include this for me makes me think that, maybe, just maybe, he isn't as bad as I thought.

I walk around the entire studio, taking in every nook and cranny. There are dance shoes in the corner, pointe, jazz, and tap. I smile wide. It feels like forever since I have done pointe or tap, not having the shoes for it with me. I reach for the pointe shoes, ready to allow myself a half hour of personal enjoyment when my hand stops. I don't know how I know, or why I know, but there is something moving around outside of the ship. This isn't a fish, but something much darker. I know it's dangerous.

I run up onto the deck, feeling the creature get closer and closer. I burst up top and see Elani sitting there. She looks up at me concerned. "Are you alright?" she questions.

"Something's coming" I reply back, my hand rising to my necklace, ready to press it.

"What do you mean?" Elani says worriedly. She reaches for a sword she brought with her from camp.

"I can feel it. In the water." Just as I finish, a large serpent like creature rises out of the water. I look at it, trying to remember the name of the monster. "It's Ketos Troias" says Elani. "A see monster created by Poseidon to attack King Laomedon after he refused to pay Poseidon for building the wall around Troy. Hercules killed it, but you know monsters. They never stay dead for long." I don't reply but instead draw my daggers, ready for a fight. I see Elani hit the alarm system on the ship. It alerts everyone that something dangerous is happening. I feel slightly better knowing the boys are on their way. Ketos Troias raises its head and moves to attack. I roll out of the way as it throws its head at me. I see Elani get wacked by its tail. She flies backward and hits the mast hard. I continue to barely dodge the heads attack. I attempt to stab my daggers into its head, but it barely leaves a scratch on its skin. I note that while the skin is clearly thick, it isn't impenetrable. I also note that this won't help me unless I can get it still enough to deal a harsh blow. I barely get away from its next attack, and its teeth tear my shirt. "Shit" I say through my teeth as the cut burns. An arrow perches itself into the monsters hide. I look to my left to see Greyson releasing an arrow. I duck and this one hits the monster in the jaw. This only seems to make it angrier. I try to use the arrows distraction to stab the creature. It moves its head at the last moment, but I am able to spear it in the eye. I hear the door to below deck open and two sets of heavy footprints pound onto the deck. Derrek and Percy. Normally I would wonder what they were doing together, but I am a little preoccupied at the moment. The creature screeches at me. I see Elani begin to recover and Percy helping to move her out of the way. Derrek runs over to my side. "You okay?" he asks concerned.

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