Pure Silence

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A/N: I finally got this chapter done. I passed that exam, but I just started normal school (which is terrible during Corona) and I have been busy. Because of school, I will probably only be able to update once a week, but I will try to update more frequently when I can. Here is the chapter. Sorry if it is a little short.

Warning: There will be some mentions of eating problems. Again, everyone's experiences are different, so I am sorry if this doesn't match yours. There will also be self-harm, but I will warn you when that starts. After the trigger, there will be an explanation of self-harm, but it isn't in detail or anything like that. If you think that could be triggering, don't read the rest of the chapter after the trigger warning.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson franchise, even though that would be awesome! I only own any characters I create and most of the plot line.

I stay in the cabin for the rest of the day, only coming out after dinner had ended. Percy brought me some food. I thanked him, and threw it out the window and into the plants after he left. Fertilizer. After dinner there is a campfire, and I head over with Percy and Tyson. "I didn't see you today sister, maybe we can hang out together tomorrow?" asks Tyson, with a hopeful grin. "Of course," I say, returning the smile. I really like Tyson, with him I can forget my problems and pretend to be a kid again. Even if it is just for a moment.

We all head back to the cabin, and the boys let me use the bathroom first. I quickly shower, brush my teeth, comb out my hair and check the wounds on my stomach. They seem to have healed enough to go without the bandages. They are actually nearly completely healed. I swear they weren't when I looked at them before the shower. Weird. I exit the bathroom and begin heading to the living room to tell the boys I am done. "I'm worried about Aria, Dad" I pause at that. Dad's here? I stay just outside the room, eavesdropping. "She seems to be withdrawing, and I think there is something going on with some of the girls here. She didn't come to dinner. I brought her some so that she wouldn't go hungry, but I think she may have lied about going to lunch too. What should I do?"

"How about nothing" I say, coming out of the shadows. "I appreciate your concern Percy, but I am fine" pfft, what a lie. "Don't worry about me. Nothing is going on."

"If you're sure" he says nervously. I see Dads reflection disappear from the fountain. So, he was Iris messaging him.

"I am" I state firmly. "Goodnight Percy"

"Goodnight" I know that won't be enough to get Percy off of my back, but at least he will stop talking to other people behind it.

🌀 🌀 🌀 🌀 🌀

The next day I tell Percy that I am getting breakfast with Tyson, and I tell Tyson I already ate. Me and Tyson head out to do... something. I am not entirely sure, but Tyson seems to have a plan, so I'm just going to go with it.

We walk for what seems like ages before I find myself in the field I like to dance in. Tyson plops down on the grass and I follow suit. "Percy says that sister likes to dance here, will you show me?" I am a little surprised. I know that Percy was aware I like to dance, but not that I dance here. I nod at Tyson. I notice that my iPod and speakers are already here, and I smile slightly. I pick a song before going in front of Tyson and getting ready.

(Play Video)

I finish, panting slightly. I hear clapping and turn to look at Tyson; I nearly forgot he was there. "That was great" says Tyson with a big grin. He picks up my IPod and puts on a new song. He then picks me up and begins spinning around, dancing. I laugh and begin to dance with him when he finally sets me down. That is how we spend the morning, dancing around to music, on our own, in a field.

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