Chapter 12

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Jamie's pov

Today is the day, today is the switch back to our phones which is weird because I feel like I don't want to do it

Ashton left few days ago which was sad but his planning to come back pretty soon

"so you ready?" Kelly asks coming in my room

"Jesus Kelly you scared the crap out of me" I said placing a hand on my chest

"sorry Jam" "it's ok and to answer the question I am a little concerned"

"why your getting your phone back"

"yeah I know....but what if me and Reece doesn't have the same connection in person" I ask

"don't worry Jamie everything is gonna be ok"

"I gotta go Kelly thanks though" I said hugging her before leaving

I closed the door and I turned around and saw

"Reece!" I exclaim "what is peoples deal with scaring me today?" I continue

"sorry Jamie....i just want to see if you wanted to drive with me?" he asks shyly

"aww thanks Reece that's so nice of you" I said

"brilliant!" he says leading me to his car

When we got outside I saw his car and I was about to open the door but Reece opened it for me what a gentleman

"thanks" I say getting in

After he got in we went to the office, after a couple minutes of silence se spoke

"so when do want to do it?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"the switch back?"

"oh umm....maybe at the end of the day if that's ok with you" I ask facing him

"that's good because I want to keep your phone a little longer" he says and I smile

After a couple minutes we finally arrived and we walked together, we went to the stage thingy yeah I don't know what's it called don't judge

"finally what took you so long" George says to Reece

"maybe they finally made out" Blake says and we blushed

"1 no we didn't, 2 he drove me and 3 we went to McDonald's and got some breakfast" I say a little sassy

"see that Blake you just got sassed by Jamie" Mia said and all of us laughed

Maybe today is gonna be a good day

switched - Reece bibby (new hope club) Where stories live. Discover now