Chapter 15

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Mia's POV

After I spoke to Jamie in the bathroom I went to find George, I finally found him

"babe...i wanna speak to you" I say pulling him In his room upstairs

"please tell me you want to do it...look Mia i-" I cut him off "no! George first I'm not gonna do that to your sisters birthday party and 2 I wanna tell you something" I say and he nodded

"we gotta do something about Reece and Jamie because they are driving me crazy right now" I say sitting down on his bed

"why...whats wrong about Reece and Jamie" he ask sitting down next to me

"they like each other but they won't admit it yet....they hide it all the time and I'm sick of it"

"look love....Reece is a big boy now he can make a move if he wants to" he says holding my hands

"I know but his just to scared to say his feelings" I say

"well what do want to do?" George says "I don't know yet" I sai

Jamie's pov

After me and Mia talked at the bathroom and she left me, I left the bathroom I turn to take a turn and I hit someone and I almost fell but the person caught me, I looked up and saw Reece holding me by the waist so I won't fall to the floor

"sorry" Reece say still holding me

"it's ok Reece I was the one who wasn't looking where I was going" I say

"please tell me you got invited by George" Reece ask while letting me go it was kinda hard to let go of him because he felt hot and I was cold

"Brad ask me and I said yes and we drove together actually" I said

"oh" he say "oh? What's that supposed to mean?" I said

"oh it's nothing nevermind....wanna meet Gia though" he ask and I nod

Reece led me out to the backyard and I saw a couple of adults thank God I thought this was full on kids party, he led me through the crowd and I saw the kid from earlier

"hey Gia" Reece say hugging her and her hugging back

"hi Reece" she says

"this is Jamie she's our friend from my work" Reece says letting go and so did she "hello Jamie I'm Gia.....reece's soon to be girlfriend" she say and I laugh and Reece looked terrified

"Gia again you just turned 10 today I'm still to old for you" Reece say and Gia looked down sadly

"don't worry Gia have hope.....your gonna grow up and Reece will be Reece and you'll be together someday" I say and she looked up happy


"yeah if he gets a girlfriend I'll tell you ok?" I say and she nodded

"I can't believe your siding with a 10 year old Jamie" Reece sighs and me and Gia chuckle

"I like her Reece please keep her around long enough" Gia say

"ok Jamie's not going anywhere" Reece says and I smile at him without him seeing

We talked with Gia for a good hour and I decided to eat something, I go to the kitchen and saw Mia and George making out

"ewww....cmon guys seriously in the kitchen there's food here you know"i say disappointed and they both blush

" sorry mom"mia says sarcastically

"what are you doing here?" George ask while fixing his hair because of the make out session with Mia earlier

"I'm hungry, oh by the way your sister is super nice and know like you" I say and Mia looked at me a little jealous

"woah there Jamie-" I cut her off by saying "1 I'm not hitting on your boyfriend Mia 2 I just complemented you and 3rd I don't like you George no offense" I say

"I'm not gonna take that personal but thank you Jamie for the complement" George says

"your welcome George and besides I think I have feelings for someone else" I say the last part silently but I think they heard it

"who!?" they said at the same time yeah definitely they heard it

"no one....look it's complicated" I say

"can I take a guess?" Mia ask and I just nod "is it Reece?" as she says that I felt I turned red "oh it is!" George says excitingly "like I said I don't know what I feel about him" I say

"well you should figure that out because his a nice guy he can get a girlfriend soon enough" Mia said and george agreed

I kept thinking do I like him or not?

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