Chapter 21

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Jamie's pov

"do you think they know what happened last night?" a voice said

"maybe not" another voice said

"we maybe wake them up it's past 2"

"they will wake up soon enough now c'mon let's have some breakfast" I hear the door shut

I shifted to the other side of the bed but I feel arms around me, I opened my eyes and I immediately froze when I saw who it is

"Brad?" I say sofly

"morning Jamie" he says with his morning voice which I found hot, and I also noticed he was wearing nothing except his underwear

"what happened last night?" I ask getting out of his grasped and getting up

"i don't know we were pretty drunk" he says getting up too

"we didn't do it did we" I ask nervously

"I don't know Jamie let's ask the others" Brad says getting up and walking in the bathroom

"is this your room?" I ask getting up and getting up from the bed

"I don't know...were probably at Amelia's house still" he says getting out all dressed

"yeah probably right" I say putting my shoes on

"c'mon love I'm hungry" he said grabbing my hand and guiding me downstairs

We got downstairs and saw the others, when we got to the room they looked at us

"so how was it?" Mia smirked

"how was what?" I ask clueless

"see told you they don't remember" Kelly said

"seriously guys what happened" Brad ask

They just laughed and told us anyway

Flashback  (Jamie's pov)

I am completely wasted now and dancing with the girls drunkenly by the way

"You are so drunk" George says to his girlfriend "yeah I know that's the plan George" Mia said pulling his shirt and whispering something that caused George to turn red "Ok we gotta go do something" George says grabbing mia's hand "is that something called mia?" I said and they blush

Its about 1 am and I'm still drinking with Brad and Ashton, the others are already asleep

"so he got back together with his ex huh" ash ask and I nodded

"yeah my life's a bitch" I say and they laugh

"I know honey" Ashton says "well Im going to sleep so see you guys tomorrow night" ash says leaving me and Brad alone at the living room

"so Brad you gotta girlfriend?" I ask

"haha no" he chuckles

"why not your hot" I say

"your funny"

"I'm serious Brad when I first met you in the elevator I thought you were hot and classy and hot.." I drag

"You already said hot Jamie" he laughs

"i did?"

"yeah" he continues to laugh

"see even your laughs hot"

"well thank you....i think your hot too" he says

I don't know what came over me but I pulled his shirt causing me to kiss him

I put my legs on his lap so now I'm straddling him, his hands travel around my waist my arms around his neck pulling on his brunette locks which cause him to moan, he traveled his lips to my sweet spot and now I'm the one who's moaning, his lips traveled back to my own and about a good minute I unbottoned his shirt slowly and he unzips my dress but stops

"Jamie we cant do this" he says

"what why not?" I pout

"You like someone else and you know it" he says

"your right I'm sorry" I said getting off of him

"wanna just cuddle" he asks w fixing his messed up hair

"yeah" I said

End of flashback

"and that's it" Mia says

"huh so long story short me and Brad made out for a good 15 minutes?" i ask and they all nod "why didn't you lid with that" I said

"whatever your welcome" Mia said

"well if you don't mind I'm going to take a long and relaxing shower" I said

Brad's pov

"so Brad is Jamie a good kisser?" Lia ask

"yeah she really knows what I want last night" I said

"oooo Brad's inlove" tris teased

"oh shut up  we were drunk" I say

"alright what ever you say" James said

Reece's pov

When I found out about Jamie and Brad I was angry at myself and a ittle on Brad and jamie

What am I thinking about I have a girlfriend, I don't like Jamie

Oh who am I kidding I do like her so much

switched - Reece bibby (new hope club) Where stories live. Discover now