Chapter 24

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Jamie's pov

Its time to say goodbye to London because we're going to America baby!

"are you excited as I am?" Amelia says

"uh yes, I can't wait to see New York again" I say

"well it's gonna be awesome"

We got to the record labels office to talk before our journey, me and Amelia settled our stuff beside the others

"hello girls" James said and we waved to say hi back

"You guys excited as we are?" Lia ask

"uh yes" Brad says with a funny girl voice which we laughed at

"alright people let's go" Joe said and we followed him outside

"bus 1 is for the vamps and other crew, bus 2 for the new hope club and for their girlfriends" Joe said and me and Amelia blushed

"uh Joe their not our boyfriends" Lia said

"yet" Mia mumble and I shot her a seriously look

"well whatever just get on and were gonna leave now" Joe said continuing the plan

Me and the other girls got in and the bus was actually neat, well it's about to destroyed because we're gonna live with guys

"Ok ladies choose your bunks" Blake says

I picked the upper bunk below is Amelia

"this gonna be fun!" Mia sing song the words

"yeah fun"i said sarcastically

" don't worry we have Mario cart"reece says and I look at him and smiled, I remember the time we played that at the lake house

"oh hell yes Reece!" I said giving Reece a high five

"Ok what am I missing here?" Blake asks

"when we were at the lake house we played that" Reece explains

"and I won 20 times against Reece" I brag

"really?" George says

"yeah ok fine she did won 20 times against me, but we are going have to have a rematch today and I'm gonna win!" Reece says

"oh we'll see about that" I say and we started the game and the competition was beginning

It has been 3 hours and a billion games and Reece hasn't won a game yet and I on the other hand is awesome seeing Reece pouting

"Reece give it man your not going to win" George says

"his right you know" I say

"ooooooh fine Jamie I admit it your very amazing at this game and I will never win against you!" he complains

"Ok going to take a nap and Reece,honey never come against me again" I smirk and walking to the bunks

Well this tour is gonna be better than I thought

switched - Reece bibby (new hope club) Where stories live. Discover now