Chapter 2 - What do you want with my child?

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AN: Hi to anyone reading! So, I know there aren't a lot of you but I just wanted to say that I am so unbelievably grateful that you decided to click on this book. I will try to upload AT LEAST once a week, sometimes twice.

Apart from that, there isn't much to say except to leave a comment because I want to get to know you guys! Anyway, hope you enjoy :)

TW: --------------------------------------gun violence and suicide.

1949 - Peggy's home in Brooklyn

Peggy was standing over the Y/N's crib, singing a soft lullaby after putting her to bed. It was a cool Autumn night, but the warm, crackling fire kept the small house in Brooklyn cozy.

Peggy had just sat down in the rocking chair she received as a gift when Y/N was born, a warm cup of hot chocolate resting in her hands and the sound of smooth jazz playing in the background. It was nights like this when she allowed herself to reminisce in the memories she had of Steve as she reflected on what her life would be like right now if he were here. She took a small sip of the chocolate heaven that was in her hands and went to- *SMASH*.

Peggy's head perked up at the noise and her eyes widened as she realised the noise came from down the hall, where her daughter was sleeping. She grabbed the pistol she keeps hidden between the couch pillows and ran in the direction of the noise. Heart pounding rapidly, she switched into a field agent mindset, fearing the worst.

When she threw open the door to her child's bedroom, her suspicions were proven correct as she saw a lanky man dressed in an all-black tactical suit with an octopus emblem on his shoulder, turn to face her while standing beside the crib. He immediately whipped out his gun, but not before Peggy was able to pull the trigger on her own. "Get out of my house!" she ordered, but it was obvious the man wouldn't oblige. The man swerved as the gun was fired, causing the bullet to lodge itself into the criminal's shoulder instead of the intended target, his head. A throwing knife swiftly followed, knocking Peggy's gun out of her own hand and across the room. As she dove for it, the man dove for her calves and pegged her beneath him, throwing punches which were messily blocked by Agent Carter. She managed to grab ahold of a small porcelain giraffe which had been knocked down in the ruckus and smashed it over the man's head. His brief falter was enough for Peggy to release his grip on her and retrieve her gun. She pointed it at his head as she bent down to grab the throwing knife he had previously used against her.

"What do you want with my child?" she asked sternly, attempting to get as much information out of him as possible. When he remained silent she pressed the heel of her boot into the man's throat applying more and more pressure until...

*cough* "You didn't think you could keep that thing's DNA a secret forever did you?" the man wheezed. "We knew about that baby and its super genes from the moment it was born. You can't escape us. We will get what we want." Peggy kicked him hard across the head. The man laughed. "Hail HYDRA!" he said as he displaced one of his teeth.

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