Chapter 3 - No time for a childhood

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AN: Okay so I'm so sorry for being MIA for the past couple of weeks, I've just been really busy with school. Once again I'm so grateful for each and every one of you and I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Also, don't forget to vote and/or comment if u feel like it. Thanks!

"Again," Peggy spoke with her stern gaze on the bullet hole which was an inch from the bullseye on the training bot. 

Y/N was now five and Peggy had followed through with her promise to have her daughter trained. She had come a long way in two years, but perhaps that's just what happens when you're raised around special agents at a facility that specialises in such things. Sure it meant Y/N didn't have time to go on playdates or dress up as a princess but there's no time for a childhood when you have an evil organisation after you. 

"Peggy maybe we should call it a day, its been hours and Y/N's shot is almost perfect", Jameson sighed. 

"Exactly. It's ALMOST perfect. HYDRA isn't going to give her a second chance to fix her aim when she misses their head by an inch."

"Mommy, I'm tired and my ears hurt" Y/N frowned. 

Peggy softened her gaze and reached down to pick up her daughter. "I know Hunny. You know what, why don't we go get some lunch from the cafeteria and we can finish working on this after". 

"But what about my sparring match with uncle Jameson? We were meant to do that after lunch"

"That can wait till tomorrow, you've worked hard today," Peggy smiled. 

The grin that arose from the 5-year-old's face made the decision worth it for both adults. They often felt bad about forcing this life on someone so young, so seeing her happy made it all a little bit easier. 


"Uncle Stark, today I was THIIIIIIIISSSSS close to hitting the bullseye on the training bot you made!" the five-year-old chirped, bouncing with excitement.

"My goodness, you're almost as good a shot as your Mother already! Not long now until you'll be hitting them with your eyes closed" Howard smirked. Stark had never wanted children of his own,  but Steve's kid had come to grow on him. She was incredibly bright and was currently learning at an 8th-grade level. Howard had found that she had taken the most interest in science which made his heart swell. If he ever had a child of his own he hoped it would be at least somewhat like y/n. 

"Alright y/n, why don't you go back to the training room and keep practising your shooting. Uncle Jameson and I will be there shortly, I just need to have a grown-up conversation with your uncles" Peggy smiled.

"Okay, Mommy" y/n replied as she tottled away.

Once Peggy could tell that y/n was out of hearing range, she began to whisper to her two closest friends "I can see y/n's genes kicking in more and more every day now."

"Agreed. Yesterday in sparing she threw me over her shoulder with no was crazy. If an organisation like HYDRA were to somehow get a hold of her genes, the soldiers they could make with it could take on our entire military with ease." Jameson added. 

"At first I had suspected that the genes she inherited from Steve would have diluted, per se, with your DNA Carter, but it doesn't seem to have done so whatsoever". 

"Do you think HYDRA know this? Because if they did that would only give them more of an incentive  to come after her and she's nowhere near ready yet."

"There's no way HYDRA could know," Jameson said

Howard huffed, "I wouldn't be so sure...the bastards seem to know a hell of a lot more then they should".  


Y/n was standing in the middle of the room, automated dummies with small red targets plastered on their chests, whizzing around her. She had her pistol in one hand and a rifle by her foot. Her mother had felt it would be best if she learnt how to use both despite her small stature. 

The young girl was a mixing pot of emotions, none of which she knew how to register.  At the S.H.I.E.L.D base where she lived there was no time or room for weakness, and she knew that well and good. So to make up for that she had learned to take them out during training, as she shot dummy after dummy, precision never faltering.  

On one hand, she was angry.  Angry at her mom, for treating her like a robot and never letting her do the fun things she had seen little kids on the television do, that one time she sneaked out of her room in the middle of the night. And angry at herself for never being good enough at shooting or fighting, Russian or geography. So she shot 27 shots, none of them landing off a target but also never hitting a bullseye. 

She was also scared. She had heard her Mom and uncles whispering while they thought she couldn't hear, and she had heard the fear in their voices when they talked about the evil men that wanted to take her away.  

On top of all that, she was sad, but she would never dare let even a single tear fall down her face or even begin to form for that matter because that meant weakness and mommy had always said weakness would lead to death. 

"Stupid robots" y/n mumbled. 

That's when she heard a sound. It was so faint that she wouldn't have heard it if she hadn't had her super genes, but it was definitely there. And as she listened more intently she also picked up on the sound of someone, lots of people breathing. Chills shot down the 5-year-olds spine, and she got really scared because there were people hiding in this room. People who she didn't know. 

She slowly reached down and picked up the pistol, when she realised it only had two bullets left in it, and her rifle was empty.  She glanced desperately at the door, praying someone would come and help her because this wasn't anything like practising with Uncle Jameson. This was much more scary.

All of a sudden the sounds of breathing sounded much closer almost like they were...she turned around and there were four agents standing behind her. A punch was thrown at her head in a mere moment which y/n ducked underneath, dodging it. 

Her heart was racing. 

Just hold them off like she had in practice, y/n reminded herself. Mom would be here soon, and she would save her. All she had to do was hold them off a little longer, and it would all be okay. 

She swept one of the agent's legs and submerged one of her knives into another's foot. They both grunted but a swift punch was delivered to the young girl's head by one of the other scary people. Her adrenaline was so high that she barely even felt it, and as they tried to throw an identical punch, she swiftly caught it and crushed their hand in her own. The agent with a knife in his foot stood up and punched y/n in the nose, and she followed it with a kick to his groin. Mommy had taught her that one.  Another agent took advantage of the young girl's distraction and grabbed her in a chokehold. He then flipped them both so y/n was pinned underneath him. He then lifted his knee and sent it back down hard right on y/n's arm, breaking it. The young girl whimpered.

"Mommy!" She cried. 

As she turned her head she saw one of the men carrying a syringe filled with an ominous clear liquid, stalking towards her. She tried to shake her head, but another agent soon held it down as they pushed the liquid into her.  All y/n saw after that was darkness.

When Peggy, Stark and Jameson had heard y/n's cry, they were on their feet immediately. They made it to the door of the shooting range, but it was locked shut. Both Jameson and Peggy were smashing on the door, trying anything to just get through, and Howard had thrown off one of the metal panels which was on the wall and was now hurriedly fiddling with multiple tiny wires.


"Why the hell can't we get in?!" Jameson pounded in the door.

"I- I don't know" Howard replied.

Then the door slid open and the room went cold. She was gone. They were all gone, and all that was left was a trampled room and a single slip of paper with the words "Hail HYDRA" printed in bold, black ink.

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